I've been doing some development under Jboss 3.2.3 for a while and I'm
noticing a problem:

Each time I place a .ear file in the server's deploy directory, the memory
usage for Jboss grows (expected behavior.)

If I remove the .ear file, the server un-deploys the application, but the
memory is not returned, even after some time.

If I overwrite the .ear file, the server re-deploys the application. Each
time this is done, memory usage grows, and is never returned.

I'm using Jboss 3.2.3, under Mac OS 10.3.2. By default applications are
limited to 250mbs of ram. Jboss starts up around 82mb with the .ear already
in place. After about 15-17 re-deploys, Jboss triggers an Out-Of-Memory
error. At that point it has exceeded the 250mb limit. The computer still has
memory, it's just that Jboss has exceeded the limit.

Am I missing something? It seems as though Jboss takes memory each time a
deployment occurs and doesn't return it when things are un-deployed.

Any help would be appreciated.



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