
Rather than fixing the installer, I really want to help fix the core CMP issue 
mentioned in a number of my earlier posts. 

anonymous wrote : I think we either need to get the installer working, or eliminate 
the need for it. See my comments on these threads to understand what I really think 
needs to become very high priority -- to clean up the back end, make the build and 
installation process reasonable, and get a good foundation for moving forward: 
  | http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&t=46324 
  | http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&t=45576 
  | Please pay special attention to the EJB CMP discussion -- if Nukes were properly 
leveraging JBoss's top-notch EJB CMP capabilities, there would be no need for 
installers, DDL, or any of this tedious and error-prone database setup we are doing 

I want to see the DDL/SQL go away. This might involve eliminating the installer, or 
maybe transforming the installer into a "meta-administration" tool, or fixing it 
enough so it can be used temporarily while the real solution is being done.

-- Howard

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