A couple more items of information I forgot.
We're using jboss 3.2.3

I reconfigured hsql-ds.xml to use tcp connections instead of the
default.  I can then connect to the database while jboss is running and
see what is happening.  The first thing I noticed is that all the
messages appear to still be in the JMS_MESSAGES table.  Anyone know of
any change between that 3.0.x and 3.2.x that would cause messages not to
be deleted after they are processed?  We used 3.0.x for quite some time
without problems.

Again, thanks for any input.


Dennis Muhlestein wrote:

I have an application that queues a large number of message driven beans that can then be processed asyncronously. The messages are persisted in the hsql database. Most of the time things work as planned. Sometimes, so many messages are being persisted that the localDB.data in {SERVER_HOME}/data/hypersonic/ reaches 2.0 gigs. When this happens, everything breaks and comes crashing to a halt.

Is there a way to increase the default size that hypersonic can grow too? I've checked the xml files (deploy/hsql-ds.xml and deploy/jms/hsqldb-jdbc2-service.xml) for any hint of a size constriant with no luck. Is there a limit on the hypersonic database size?

The os is running 2.4.19 linux kernel with reiserfs file system.
Thanks in advance for any input.


Note: sample of one of the many stack traces occurring when this problem happens:

Could not store message: 11175 msg=11166 hard NOT_STORED
PERSISTENT queue=QUEUE.EmailQueue priority=4 hashCode=20379376; - nested throwable: (java.sql.SQLException: S1000 General error java.lang.NullPointerException in statement [INSERT INTO JMS_MESSAGES (MESSAGEID, DESTINATION, MESSAGEBLOB, TXID, TXOP) VALUES(11166,
.... .... ...

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