
anonymous wrote : solution: build a db view per optional field, null-'key' rows will 
vanish, not the denormalized table 

This isn't a relational issue.  The query I mentioned with 4 columns ironically has no 
relationships whatsoever.  However, it does have 4 optional columns I need to filter 
on.  They happen to be parts of a business key, but that's arbitrary.  They could be 
any optional column that I need to filter on.  Remember, this issue is I'm passing a 
parameter and pulling values that match that paramter.  This isn't complext, and has 
nothing to do with normalization because it has nothing to do with joins or 

anonymous wrote : if your app rely on more then one _significant_ optional field - 
your ER model sucks 

Huh?!?  More than half a table's columns are often optional.  Any column can be 
filtered via a parameterized where clause in the real world.  These are common 
business requirements.  Just because a customer table does require an email address 
doesn't mean the user shouldn't be able to query based on the email address.  Just 
because an email address is optional doesn't mean that every other piece of customer 
information has to be mandatory.  How is having multiple optional columns a bad model?

anonymous wrote : And your query, even implemented in SQL, is 100% compatible with all 
the databases because SQL address the database compatibility before java and J2EE. 

Wouldn't that be nice if it were true.  To name a few differences:  the formatting of 
a date in the where clause, unique identifier generators and the syntax of outter 
joins.  I wrote one system that ran in both SQL Server and Oracle.  Last year, I lead 
the migration of a J2EE application to use a new DB2 data model with 150+ tables while 
still working 100% with its Oracle 90+ table predecessor.  To complicate things, we 
had to use stored procedures for all data communication for DB2 (dumb "security" 
standard .)  The calculation code, which never stopped being fully functional during 
the entire migration, was 100% independent of the database vendor, but it it wasn't 
SQL that made it possible.  We used a Data Accessor pattern.

There are two two problems with SQL:  The ANSI 89 and 92 standards that became popular 
did not address all the needs (e.g., dates in the WHERE clause).  The second problem 
is that it is relational, making it difficult to migrate to object database 
technologies.  Thus...  CMP, and the current trend of using object-relational to 
implement it.

If Sun's Java certification has anything that requires CMP to use a relational 
database, then they are not testing the standard, because nothing in the standard 
requires a relational database for implementation.  If they relational database 
requirements have drifted into it, then it's probably just because every vendor out 
there implemented it with a relational model.  Thus, when vendors start to implement 
it with object databases as well, Sun will be obligated to remove any relational 
specific requirements that slipped into their test suite.

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