As I say to you before, two bad things:

1) Your LectureEntity bean has a cmp field named questions, and a cmr field named also 
questions. Remove the tags I indicate before:

  | @ejb:persistent-field 
  | @jboss:column-name name="questions"
or rename one of them (cmp or cmr) and put the appropriate getter and setter.

2) The QuestionEntity (addQuestion parameter) is a remote interface. You cannot set a 
cmr field with a remote interface (only a local). For that, you have two solutions:
2.1 : retrieve a local interface from your client if you can and change your method:

  | public void addQuestion(QuestionEntityLocal question) { 
  | this.getQuestions().add(question); 
  | } 

2.2 : if you can't, just pass the primary key and retrieve a local interface in the 
Add an ejb-ref to your bean:

  |  * @ejb.ejb-ref
  |  *   ejb-name="QuestionEntity"
  |  *   view-type="local"
Then in your method:

  | public void addQuestion(Long questionId) { 
  | try {
  |     javax.naming.Context ic = new InitialContext();
  |     Object obj = ic.lookup(<Your Question bean JNDI name>);
  |     // Something like "java:comp/env/ejb/QuestionEntityLocal"
  |     QuestionEntityLocalHome Home = 
  |     QuestionEntityLocal question = Home.findByPrimaryKey(questionId);
  |     this.getQuestions().add(question); 
  | } catch(Exception e) {
  |     // Error handling
  | }
  | } 

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