Hi!, I am trying a sample EJB application to R&D some security related issues. I want 
to access EJB through a web application as well as a Swing client. I have set 
approriate <method-permission> in EJB deployment descriptor. I am using 
users.properties/roles.properties file for authentication mechanism.
- On the web application side I am using BASIC authentication and the servlet is able 
to access the EJB OK, as long as I am using a login/password that has access to the 
- Now I am trying to access the EJB using a stand alone Java class. These are the 
things I have tried till now:
=>Created a InitialContext with appropriate principal, credentials and tried getting a 
reference to EJB home interface. That resulted in security exception.
=>Logged into a LoginContext by using appropriate JBossSX classes and then tried 
getting a EJB home interface. Again security exception.
Now I am not sure what to do.  I read at some places about client side container but 
not sure what that is. Can anyone give some ideas to try? Is there any other way I can 
make a swing application and a web applicatin authenticate to EJB container?
Also can anyone point me to any documentation that gives some idea about how the 
security credentials gets propagated from web application to EJB container?

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