I am using JBOSS-3.2.2.and j2sdk1.4.1_01.When i start the jboss server as JBOSS user i 
am seeing maximum number of java and javac pids running .And why Jboss is taking that 
much of memory.I am using a standalone server.When i sent a request it is taking lot 
of time and memory is eating.I am deploying EAR file in the server.I am pasting the 
output of the TOP command

 11:49pm  up 1 day,  8:36,  3 users,  load average: 0.19, 0.09, 0.09
105 processes: 100 sleeping, 5 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
CPU states: 91.0% user,  8.9% system,  0.0% nice,  0.0% idle
Mem:   513308K av,  285788K used,  227520K free,     160K shrd,   22356K buff
Swap: 2097136K av,    8740K used, 2088396K free                  122520K cached

12039 jboss     14   0 46996  45M 35360 R    30.6  9.1   0:01 javac
12049 jboss     10   0 46996  45M 35360 S     6.6  9.1   0:00 javac
11214 root       9   0  1100 1100   836 R     3.2  0.2   1:10 top
11276 jboss      9   0  104M 104M 30556 S     3.0 20.8   0:15 java
12043 jboss      9   0 46996  45M 35360 S     2.3  9.1   0:00 javac
11273 jboss     19   0  104M 104M 30556 R     1.7 20.8   0:08 java
11254 jboss     12   0  104M 104M 30556 R     0.7 20.8   0:23 java
12038 jboss      9   0  104M 104M 30556 S     0.1 20.8   0:00 java
12044 jboss      9   0 46996  45M 35360 S     0.1  9.1   0:00 javac
    1 root       0   0   120   72    72 S     0.0  0.0   0:03 init
    2 root       8   0     0    0     0 SW    0.0  0.0   0:00 keventd
    3 root       9   0     0    0     0 SW    0.0  0.0   0:00 kapm-idled
    4 root      19  19     0    0     0 SWN   0.0  0.0   0:00 ksoftirqd_CPU0
    5 root       9   0     0    0     0 SW    0.0  0.0   0:01 kswapd
    6 root       9   0     0    0     0 SW    0.0  0.0   0:00 kreclaimd
    7 root       9   0     0    0     0 SW    0.0  0.0   0:00 bdflush
    8 root       9   0     0    0     0 SW    0.0  0.0   0:00 kupdated
    9 root      -1 -20     0    0     0 SW<   0.0  0.0   0:00 mdrecoveryd
   13 root       9   0     0    0     0 SW    0.0  0.0   0:00 kjournald

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