
Im using the following JBoss-QL query in JBoss 3.2.3 for a ejbSelect method:

SELECT OBJECT(p) FROM Category AS c, IN (c.products) AS p 
WHERE c = ?1 
AND p.state IS NOT NULL 
AND p.state = 'passiv' 
ORDER BY p.name 

But as yoy can see in the following the generated sql does not contain the OFFSET & 
LIMIT options.

21:02:35,221 DEBUG [Category#ejbSelectActiveProducts] SQL: 
        SELECT t0_p.productId, t0_p.type, t0_p.manufacturer, t0_p.productLink, 
t0_p.name, t0_p.description, t0_p.listPrice, t0_p.marge, t0_p.porto, t0_p.state, 
t0_p.registered, t0_p.modified, t0_p.weight, t0_p.keyWords, t0_p.category_fk 
        FROM t_category t1_c INNER JOIN t_product t0_p ON 
        WHERE (t1_c.categoryId=?) 
        AND t0_p.state IS  NOT NULL 
        AND t0_p.state = 'passiv' 
        ORDER BY t0_p.name ASC

I have also downloaded jboss-3.2.5, but the generated sql is here too missing the 
OFFSET & LIMIT options.
Then I experimented with the EJBQLToSQL92Compiler setting in 
(jboss-3.2.5/server/default/conf/standardjbosscmp-jdbc.xml) but that does not help 
What else could I try?
Has anybody managed to get this working?




Code snippets from the class:

 * @jboss.query
 *      description="This generates jboss-ql and overwrites the original query from 
the ejbSelectMethod"
 *      signature="java.util.Collection ejbSelectActiveProducts( 
my.domain.catalog.interfaces.CategoryLocal category, int start, int count )"
 *      query="SELECT OBJECT(p) FROM Category AS c, IN (c.products) AS p WHERE c = ?1
 *             AND p.state IS NOT NULL
 *             AND p.state = 'passiv'
 *             ORDER BY p.name OFFSET ?2 LIMIT ?3"
 *      strategy="on-load"
 *      page-size="128"
 * @jboss.persistence
 *      create-table="${jboss.create.table}"
 *      remove-table="${jboss.remove.table}"
public abstract class CategoryEJB   implements EntityBean

     * @ejb.select
     *      query="SELECT OBJECT(p) FROM Category AS c, IN (c.products) AS p WHERE c = 
     *             AND p.state IS NOT NULL
     *             AND p.state = 'passiv'"
    public abstract Collection ejbSelectActiveProducts( CategoryLocal category, int 
start, int count ) throws FinderException;


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