Scott's howto is an excellent explanation in the use of JAAS and configuring JBoss 
Login Modules, far better than most other application servers.

But it doesnt cover web-application security in much depth and certainly not what you 
are after. The need to do additional processing on a logon action or supply varied 
error cases arnt covered by the standard authenticators (FORM,BASIC,DIGEST,NONE) in 

So you can either 
1) write your own FORM authenticator using 
org.apache.catalina.authenticator.FormAuthenticator as a base.
note how the authenticator calls context.getRealm().authenticate(username, password);
this uses
which handles the JAAS logon based on the domain specified in jboss-web.xml


2) have your struts action make its authentication calls first as a "pre-auth" before 
redirecting a user to j_security_check?j_username=user&j_password=password. the 
security check will then log them in properly and redirect back to the originally 
requested page.


It is not possible to use the web-constraint type web authorsation and isUserInRole 
without going through an authenticator mainly because when you hit a constraint page 
(and getUserPrincipal and isUserInRole will only work on constraint pages) the 
authenticator tries to re-auth to the security realm using cached credentials where 
Jboss then looks up the subject (principal and roles) from its cache. The thing is, in 
tomcat at least, these credentials are cached using Session.setNote by the 
authenticator so could never be set by a Servlet like your struts action.

Its a real pain , id be very glad to hear anyone elses ideas on this

Stuart Eccles

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