Evidently my last post created an error in the system, so I've disabled HTML.

Anyway, I'm still receiving the following error. I'm assuming it's a configuration 
problem, so I've also included my nukes directory structure below. 

Any help would ge greatly appreciated!

java.io.FileNotFoundException: C:/Compiere /jboss/server/compiere/nukes
        at org.jboss.net.protocol.file.FileURLLister.listMembers(FileURLLister.java:38)
10:03:27,734 ERROR [AbstractDeploymentScanner$ScannerThread] Scanning failed; 

Directory of C:/Compiere2/jboss/server/compiere/deploy

07/22/2004  02:14 PM             2,091 cache-invalidation-service.xml
07/22/2004  02:14 PM             1,481 client-deployer-service.xml
07/28/2004  08:34 AM               507 compiere-service.xml
07/28/2004  08:34 AM            28,717 compiereApps.ear
07/28/2004  08:34 AM           178,910 compiereApps.sar
07/29/2004  09:31 AM        16,756,865 compiereRoot.ear
07/28/2004  08:34 AM             3,140 compiereRoot.sar
07/28/2004  08:34 AM            69,722 compiereWebStore.ear
07/28/2004  08:31 AM     DIR           http-invoker.sar
07/22/2004  02:14 PM           104,827 jboss-jca.sar
07/22/2004  02:14 PM             6,585 jboss-local-jdbc.rar
07/22/2004  02:14 PM            12,303 jboss-xa-jdbc.rar
07/28/2004  08:33 AM     DIR           jbossweb-tomcat41.sar
07/28/2004  08:33 AM     DIR           jmx-console.war
07/28/2004  08:31 AM     DIR           jmx-invoker-adaptor-server.sar
07/28/2004  08:33 AM     DIR           management
07/29/2004  09:40 AM     DIR           nukes
06/28/2004  09:20 PM         2,227,289 nukes.ear
07/22/2004  02:14 PM             1,891 properties-service.xml
07/22/2004  02:14 PM               199 sqlexception-service.xml
07/22/2004  02:14 PM             1,373 transaction-service.xml
07/22/2004  02:14 PM             1,131 user-service.xml
07/22/2004  02:14 PM             5,283 uuid-key-generator.sar
              17 File(s)     19,402,314 bytes
               8 Dir(s)   3,496,378,368 bytes free

Directory of C:/Compiere2/jboss/server/compiere/deploy/nukes

06/01/2004  08:38 PM             2,219 install.txt
12/21/2003  06:23 AM               346 nukes-ds.xml
07/29/2004  09:35 AM    DIR          nukes.last
03/03/2004  07:55 PM               629 prepare.ddl
06/01/2004  08:35 PM             6,043 setup.ddl
               4 File(s)          9,237 bytes
               3 Dir(s)   3,496,312,832 bytes free

 Directory of C:\Compiere2\jboss\server\compiere\deploy\nukes\nukes.last

06/28/2004  09:21 PM               931 mostpopulardownloads-block-service.xml
06/28/2004  09:21 PM               906 newdownloads-block-service.xml
07/29/2004  09:35 AM    DIR          nukes
06/28/2004  09:21 PM               902 top10downloads-block-service.xml
               3 File(s)          2,739 bytes
               3 Dir(s)   3,496,247,296 bytes free

 Directory of C:/Compiere2/jboss/server/compiere/nukes/nukes.last/nukes

06/28/2004  09:20 PM             1,054 contextual-block-service.xml
06/28/2004  09:20 PM               828 extralite-theme-service.xml
06/28/2004  09:20 PM               809 login-block-service.xml
06/28/2004  09:20 PM               715 lostpassword-module-service.xml
06/28/2004  09:20 PM             1,660 menu-block-service.xml
06/28/2004  09:20 PM           726,719 nukes-bb.ear
06/28/2004  09:21 PM           104,011 nukes-downloads.ear
06/28/2004  09:21 PM            73,996 nukes-news.ear
06/28/2004  09:21 PM            14,694 nukes-permission.sar
06/28/2004  09:20 PM               449 seabreeze-theme-service.xml
06/28/2004  09:20 PM               725 whosonline-block-service.xml
06/28/2004  09:20 PM             1,459 youraccount-module-service.xml
              12 File(s)        927,119 bytes
               2 Dir(s)   3,496,247,296 bytes free

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