Thanks for your reply. I'm a newbie to J2EE but working on it. I'll attempt to answer 
your questions now - 
1. A user can push a button on the interface we have that will call the Procedure in 
the Oracle package. Here's the oracle code:
create or replace package      snfeedinterface as
        procedure getReferralStatus;
create or replace package body      sneedinterface as
        procedure getReferralStatus as language java name 

2. The client has been loaded into the oracle database using loadjava:
a.  RemoteSnFeedInterface.class
public interface RemoteSnFeedInterface extends java.rmi.Remote {
    public String getReferralStatus() throws java.rmi.RemoteException;
b.  OracleSnFeedInterface.class
public class OracleSnFeedInterface {      
      public OracleSnFeedInterface()  {
      public static String getReferralStatus() throws Exception {
          RemoteSnFeedInterface r = getRemoteSnFeedInterface();
          return r.getReferralStatus();
      private static RemoteSalesnetFeedInterface getRemoteSalesnetFeedInterface() 
throws Exception {
              String rmiName = "SnFeedRMI";
              RemoteSnFeedInterface r = (RemoteSnFeedInterface) 
              return r;
c. Stub class

On the remote side, I'm running jboss 3.2.3 as you know. 

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