I'm fairly new with J2EE security, so I'm sure that I have some (maybe many) 

I was under the impression that JACC provides the piece of authorization that JAAS 
misses, namely a dynamic form of enforcing policies.  And like JAAS, you would 
implement a pluggable module, but unlike JAAS, the module is for authorization instead 
of authentication.  This would essentially be another level of authorization that can 
essentially replace the application level of authorization defined by JAAS.

I was hoping to provide a JACC implementation that would essentially handle my 
authorization needs to decide who can access what, etc.

Say for example, I define a policy that says my ejb or some of its methods are off 
limits after 5:00 pm.  So, I'd like my client app to be able to know how to handle it.

However, my lack of expertise (reading through the specs has not sunk in much) in the 
subject field in conjunction with the lack of example implementations (or just plain 
examples for that matter) has left me a bit confused on the whole matter.

If you or someone else can provide answers to the following questions, it would 
probably clear things up for me.

Can an application developer use JACC or a JACC policy provider implementation 
(namely, are there api's that I can program to?)?

Can you define who the security provider should be that provides the JACC policy 
provider implementation (for example, joe developer, or a security specialist company, 
or JBoss, etc)?

Are there any JACC policy provider implementations out there?  I've scoured newgroups, 
and googled many times over, and cant find anything.

Thanks for any answers you can provide.  I realize this is the JAAS JBoss forum, but 
would not be surprised that there are other developers who've used JAAS, and are 
wondering not just what, but how JACC will bring something new to the table. 

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