Hi there,
Thanks very much for your previous reply! But I found a problem, 
when my client code is running on the same machine with JBoss, everything works fine; 
if I run JBoss on a different machine, when I use MainDeployerMBean.deploy(URL) (I get 
the proxy object for MainDeployer from MBeanServerInvocationHandler), it always throws 
org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException: url file:/D:/myservice.sar could not be 
opened, does it exist?
        at org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentInfo.(DeploymentInfo.java:168)

The proxy object seems doesn't transfer myservice.sar to the remote JBoss via RMI. Is 
there a workaround for this? That is I need deployment happens at the client side, is 
that possible? Or maybe there is a way I can upload myservice.sar first to the remote 
JBoss's temporary working folder and then start the deployment using that URL?
I'd appreciate your help very much!


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