I have a JBoss 3.2.3 server running on an Oracle database using JDBC2 

It appears that that when large nunmbers of messages are on the queues (~70,000) the 
startup time for JBoss goes through the roof.

2004-09-22 11:34:18,351 INFO  [org.jboss.deployment.MainDeployer] Starting deployment 
of package: file:/.../my-destinations-service.xml
2004-09-22 12:31:07,821 INFO  [org.jboss.mq.server.jmx.Queue.MessageQueue] Bound to 
JNDI name: queue/MessageQueue

The startup time here was nearly 1 hour,  is this normal behaviour, is there anything 
I can do to improve the performance of the startup.

Thanks in advance


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