First, let me clarify that the client is on the same machine - just not in the 
container (they're junit tests).  It is this attempt to get the remote interface that 
is proving problematic.  Using local interfaces from a web app deployed in JBoss as 
well as inter-EJB calls are working fine.  Both remote and local interfaces are 
deploying without error in JBoss and they are appearing fine in the jmx console JNDI 

 +- com.pixelfixx.service.WebManager (proxy: $Proxy60 implements interface 
com.pixelfixx.service.WebManagerRemoteHome,interface javax.ejb.Handle)
 +- local (class: org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContext)
  |   +- com.pixelfixx.service.WebManager (proxy: $Proxy40 implements interface 

The only invokers I can see deployed are http and jmx, which as far as I know aren't a 
factor here.  Please let me know what I should look for if I am wrong on this.

RE: initial context values, what information would be useful beyond the environment 
info that I've already included in the code posting?  With the initial context I can 
list the bindings, but (again AFAIK) that is pretty much what I've listed above from 
the JNDI listing in jmx console.

One final comment about the theory that JBoss thinks the caller is local.  If I am 
specifically looking up the remote interface by jndi name, why would JBoss still 
return the local interface?

Feedback is much appreciated,


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