Hie all,

I use a unidirectional relationship between 2 entity ejbs, I have a 1-M relationship, 
and would like to control the name of the relation attribute on the M side.
I used the xdoclet tag @jboss.target-relation (which seems to provide this), but this 
does not work...

On the 1 side the doclet and code is as follows :
  | /**
  |      * Getter for CMR Relationship
  |      *
  |      * @ejb.interface-method   view-type="local"
  |      * @ejb.relation           name = "Prod-Prod2"
  |      *                         role-name = "Test"
  |      *                         target-ejb = "Products2"
  |      *                         target-role-name = "ProductsToProducts2"
  |      *                         target-multiple = "no"
  |      * @jboss.relation
  |      *        related-pk-field = "pid"
  |      *                fk-column = "pid"
  |      */
  |     public abstract Collection getProducts2();
  |     /**
  |      * Setter for CMR Relationship
  |      *
  |      * @ejb.interface-method   view-type="local"
  |      */
  |     public abstract void setProducts2(java.util.Collection value);

where pid is the pk of this entity.

The ejb-jar.xml contains the following :

   <relationships >
  |       <ejb-relation >
  |          <ejb-relation-name>Prod-Prod2</ejb-relation-name>
  |          <ejb-relationship-role >
  |             <ejb-relationship-role-name>Test</ejb-relationship-role-name>
  |             <multiplicity>One</multiplicity>
  |             <relationship-role-source >
  |                <ejb-name>Products</ejb-name>
  |             </relationship-role-source>
  |             <cmr-field >
  |                <cmr-field-name>products2</cmr-field-name>
  |                <cmr-field-type>java.util.Collection</cmr-field-type>
  |             </cmr-field>
  |          </ejb-relationship-role>
  |          <ejb-relationship-role >
  |             <multiplicity>Many</multiplicity>
  |             <relationship-role-source >
  |                <ejb-name>Products2</ejb-name>
  |             </relationship-role-source>
  |          </ejb-relationship-role>
  |       </ejb-relation>

and the jbosscmp-jdbc.xml contains :

  |     <ejb-relation>
  |       <ejb-relation-name>Prod-Prod2</ejb-relation-name>
  |       <ejb-relationship-role>
  |           <ejb-relationship-role-name>Test</ejb-relationship-role-name>
  |               <key-fields/>
  |       </ejb-relationship-role>
  |       <ejb-relationship-role>
  |           <key-fields>
  |              <key-field>
  |                <field-name>pid</field-name>
  |                <column-name>pid</column-name>
  |              </key-field>
  |           </key-fields>
  |       </ejb-relationship-role>
  |     </ejb-relation>

Well, when the app gets deployed, the products2 table is created with a field named 
"products_products2" (while I was expecting "pid").

I use jboss-4.0.0

Where is the problem ?

Thanks for help

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