I understand your meaning, thanks.

I use jboss3.2.1

  | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  | <!DOCTYPE mbean SYSTEM "D:\eclipse\workspace\ibsext\jboss_xmbean_1_0.dtd">
  | <mbean>
  |     <description>The IBS CONFIG XMBean Example</description>
  |     <descriptors>
  |             <persistence persistPolicy="Never" persistPeriod="10" 
persistLocation="data/JNDIMap.data" persistName="JNDIMap"/>
  |             <currencyTimeLimit value="10"/>
  |             <state-action-on-update value="keep-running"/>
  |     </descriptors>
  |     <class>com.ibs.cofig.mbean.ConfigFile</class>
  |     <constructor>
  |             <description>The default constructor</description>
  |             <name>ConfigFile</name>
  |     </constructor>
  |     <!-- Attributes -->
  |     <attribute access="read-write" getMethod="getJndiName" 
  |             <description>The location in JNDI where the Map we manage will 
be bound</description>
  |             <name>jndiName</name>
  |             <type>java.lang.String</type>
  |             <descriptors>
  |                     <default value="ibs/config/IBS_CONFIG"/>
  |             </descriptors>
  |     </attribute>
  |     <!-- Operations -->
  |     <operation>
  |             <description>The start lifecycle operation</description>
  |             <name>start</name>
  |     </operation>
  |     <operation>
  |             <description>The stop lifecycle operation</description>
  |             <name>stop</name>
  |     </operation>
  |     <operation impact="ACTION">
  |             <description>Save a file into database</description>
  |             <name>setFile</name>
  |             <parameter>
  |                     <description>File's system indentifier</description>
  |                     <name>id</name>
  |                     <type>int</type>
  |             </parameter>
  |             <parameter>
  |                     <description>File to be saved</description>
  |                     <name>file</name>
  |                     <type>java.io.File</type>
  |             </parameter>
  |     </operation>
  |     <operation impact="INFO">
  |             <description>Get a file from database</description>
  |             <name>getFile</name>
  |             <parameter>
  |                     <description>File's system indentifier</description>
  |                     <name>id</name>
  |                     <type>int</type>
  |             </parameter>
  |             <return-type>java.io.InputStream</return-type>
  |     </operation>
  |     <operation impact="ACTION">
  |             <description>Save a file into database</description>
  |             <name>setConfigFile</name>
  |             <parameter>
  |                     <description>File's name</description>
  |                     <name>name</name>
  |                     <type>String</type>
  |             </parameter>
  |             <parameter>
  |                     <description>File to be saved</description>
  |                     <name>file</name>
  |                     <type>java.io.File</type>
  |             </parameter>
  |     </operation>
  |     <operation impact="INFO">
  |             <description>Get a file from database</description>
  |             <name>getConfigFile</name>
  |             <parameter>
  |                     <description>File's name</description>
  |                     <name>name</name>
  |                     <type>String</type>
  |             </parameter>
  |             <return-type>java.io.InputStream</return-type>
  |     </operation>
  |     <operation impact="ACTION">
  |             <description>Save a file into database</description>
  |             <name>setConfigSchemaFile</name>
  |             <parameter>
  |                     <description>File's name</description>
  |                     <name>name</name>
  |                     <type>String</type>
  |             </parameter>
  |             <parameter>
  |                     <description>File to be saved</description>
  |                     <name>file</name>
  |                     <type>java.io.File</type>
  |             </parameter>
  |     </operation>
  |     <operation impact="INFO">
  |             <description>Get a file from database</description>
  |             <name>getConfigSchemaFile</name>
  |             <parameter>
  |                     <description>File's name</description>
  |                     <name>name</name>
  |                     <type>String</type>
  |             </parameter>
  |             <return-type>java.io.InputStream</return-type>
  |     </operation>
  |     <operation impact="ACTION">
  |             <description>Save a file into database</description>
  |             <name>setConfigExtFile</name>
  |             <parameter>
  |                     <description>File's name</description>
  |                     <name>name</name>
  |                     <type>String</type>
  |             </parameter>
  |             <parameter>
  |                     <description>File to be saved</description>
  |                     <name>file</name>
  |                     <type>java.io.File</type>
  |             </parameter>
  |     </operation>
  |     <operation impact="INFO">
  |             <description>Get a file from database</description>
  |             <name>getConfigExtFile</name>
  |             <parameter>
  |                     <description>File's name</description>
  |                     <name>name</name>
  |                     <type>String</type>
  |             </parameter>
  |             <return-type>java.io.InputStream</return-type>
  |     </operation>
  |     <!--Notifications-->
  |     <notification>
  |             <description>The notification sent whenever a value is 
  |             <name>javax.management.Notification</name>
  |     </notification>
  | </mbean>

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