If you look into the code (org.jboss.management.j2ee.JCAResource) you'll see 
there is no chance to get anything else than a single array entry:

  |          ObjectName jsr77CFName = getConnectionFactory(0);
  |          Object[] params = {poolServiceName};
  |          String[] sig = {ObjectName.class.getName()};
  |          JCAConnectionPoolStatsImpl cfStats = (JCAConnectionPoolStatsImpl)
  |                server.invoke(jsr77CFName, "getPoolStats", params, sig);
  |          JCAConnectionPoolStatsImpl[] poolStats = {cfStats};
  |          stats = new JCAStatsImpl(null, poolStats);

I'm not an jsr77 expert, so I suggest you read the spec to be certain what is 
the expected behaviour. If you spot a mistake in the implementation, post a bug 
to sourceforge. If something is missing post a feature request, (or better, 
contribute it yourself :)

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