I've been evaluating JBoss 4.0.1RC2 and WebLogic 8.1SP2 to host an online 
auction application. I'm now far enough along to have a few numbers, and I 
thought others might be interested in the effects of different tuning 

The test server setup is the same for both: a BigIP load balancer set to do 
simple round-robining of HTTP requests, a bank of three Sun Ultra T1 servers 
running Apache 2 with mod_jk2 and mod_weblogic (each on its own virtual host), 
a cluster of two Sun Enterprise 220R servers with 4GB of memory to run the app 
server software (Sun JVM 1.4.2_06), and a Sun Enterprise 420R running Oracle 8.

The test client for this particular set of numbers is a stress-test tool that 
opens a bunch of simultaneous connections and requests the "place a bid" JSP on 
the same item. As soon as each JSP returns a result, it immediately opens a new 
connection and places another bid. Cookies are not preserved across requests, 
so each one is a new HTTP session.

The application is a combination of JDBC, session beans, and CMP entity beans, 
all local. One quirk is that it has its own internal equivalent of the JBoss 
Cache -- when a clusterwide variable is set, the machines in the cluster make 
HTTP requests to each other to keep everything in sync. Placing a bid depends 
on either one or two such requests depending on whether you've landed on the 
cluster's master server or one of the slaves. (I.e., each request will cause 
cross-cluster traffic.) Once a bid is placed and the result is returned to the 
client, there is some additional background tasks such as sending E-mail 

But you wanted to see numbers!

With no tuning whatsoever, just the default "all" server configuration, JBoss 
completes a test run of 500 bids in 4:33. With optimistic locking and 
instance-per-transaction on all the relevant entity beans, the same test run 
takes 3:43. With the PreparedStatement cache configured, it's 2:44. With 
interval-based rather than synchronous HTTP session replication, that drops to 
2:35. With a maximum heap size specified in the JVM startup arguments 
(-Xmx1024m) I get a nearly 50% speedup and the run time drops to 1:21. That got 
knocked down to 1:10 when I modified our intra-cluster code to remember session 
cookies between requests (cutting down on session creation) along with a few 
other tweaks such as fiddling with thread priority to reduce starvation.

The speed increase from the JVM memory setting really surprised me, especially 
since I haven't seen it mentioned in any JBoss tuning manuals. Maybe it's just 
considered so obvious as to not be worth mentioning, I don't know. But it made 
as big a difference as all the other tuning steps combined.

Now to WebLogic. It started off at 2:40 with no particular tuning effort.  With 
the code tweaks I made in the course of testing JBoss, that dropped down to 
1:40, but I don't know which changes in particular accounted for which parts of 
that speed increase. With the JVM memory settings recommended by BEA's tuning 
guide, the run time dropped to 0:57. With the JDBC connection pool set to a 
fixed size rather than dynamically growing and shrinking, the time dropped to a 
blazing fast 0:37. (Fiddling with the pool size had no measurable impact on 
JBoss, though I did try it.)

So as things stand right now, for this particular test suite on this particular 
application, with all the tuning tweaks I know how to do, WebLogic is a little 
under twice as fast as JBoss.

One thing I've noticed from watching the tests run is that JBoss seems to be a 
lot burstier in its responses. It will crank along for 30 or 40 requests at 
about the same rate as WebLogic, maybe even a tad faster. Then it will pause 
for a few seconds, respond to another 10 or 15 requests, pause for a second, 
and so on. It looks like garbage collection, as there is often no activity in 
my debug logs during the pauses. WebLogic's results come back at a steady pace 
with no hiccups. The application code is exactly the same in both cases, so the 
app servers must be doing something very different with their memory management 
(assuming I'm correct about it being garbage collection.)

I plan to run other benchmarks and try out any other tweaks that I can find. If 
I get any interesting results I'll be sure to report them here. And of course I 
welcome any suggestions people have based on my admittedly vague description of 
my setup.

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