We have a problem with the automatic generation of a primary key in an CMP entity bean.
We are using eclipse 3.0, jboss3.2.4 and xdoclet 1.2.1.
In the entity bean, we added the following xdoclet tags:


* @ejb.bean name="PropertySOVCMP"

* jndi-name="fr.com.gerling.rm.ejb.PropertySOVCMPHome"

* local-jndi-name="fr.com.gerling.rm.ejb.PropertySOVCMPLocalHome"

* type="CMP"

* schema="TB_SOVS"

* cmp-version="2.x"

* view-type = "local"


* @ejb.persistence

* table-name="TB_SOVS"


* @ejb.finder

* query="SELECT OBJECT(a) FROM TB_SOVS as a"

* signature="java.util.Collection findAll()"


* @ejb.finder

* query = "SELECT OBJECT(a) FROM TB_SOVS as a where a.studyId = ?1"

* signature = "java.util.Collection findByStudyId(java.lang.Integer studyId)"


* @jboss.persistence datasource = "java:/PropertyDB"

* datasource-mapping = "Oracle8"

* create-table = "false"

* remove-table = "false"


* @jboss.unknown-pk class = "java.lang.Integer"

* column-name = "SOV_ID"

* jdbc-type = "INTEGER"

* sql-type = "INTEGER"


* @jboss.entity-command name = "oracle-sequence"

* @jboss.entity-command-attribute name = "sequence" value = "SOV_SEQ"


* @version $Revision: 1.2 $



public abstract class PropertySOVCMPBean extends BaseEntityBean


We have also defined the getter and setter for the primary key.

After running the Xdoclet, there is no tag <unknow-pk> and its attributes (or <entity-command>) added to the jbosscmp-jdbc.xml.

Did we forget a task in the xdoclet configurations ?

Did we forget any tags in the class level or at the method level ?

Any suggestion ?

Thank you for your time .


V-Deschamps and F-Kieffer


Attachment: jbosscmp-jdbc.xml
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