I'm having the following questions/doubts, but could not immediately find 
answers in docs or wiki. Could someone enlighten me?

1. Does CallByValue=true in ear-deployer.xml also enforce marshalling for jndi 
lookups that occur WITHIN the (isolated) ear? (e.g. between EJBs and from WARs 
to EJBs?)

2. What will happen when CallByValue=true for the JNDI service in 
conf/jboss-service.xml and CallByValue=false for the EAR deployer in 

3. Does it make sense to have CallByValue=false and Isolated=true for the EAR 
deployer in ear-deployer.xml? 

4. What are the J2EE compliant combinations of CallByValue in 
conf/jboss-service.xml, CallByValue + Isolated in ear-deployer.xml and 
UseJBossWebLoader + Java2ClassLoadingCompliance in 
deploy/jbossweb-tomcat50.sar/META-INF/jboss-service.xml. Or is the 
configuration as described in readme.html the ONLY compliant one?


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