Hi am trying to set up Tapestry with Jboss
I am using Tapestry3.0, Jboss4.0 and Eclipse.
Have done the tutorial that uses Tomcat, but i need to use Jboss.  Tomcat uses 
manager role.  Have to set user and passward, but i came across something 
saying Jboss doess not use this.  Here is the build file can you tell me 
exaclty what i need to change in it to make it work under Jboss?

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  | <project name="ServletDeploy" default="Build_All">
  |    <!--
  |       This ANT script does NOT compile the application,
  |       we are relying on Eclipse to do all Java compilation.
  |       This script merely deploys the application to Tomcat.
  |       This script will work with Tomcat 4.0, but Tapestry
  |       says it requires Tomcat 4.1, so make sure you have
  |       Tomcat 4.1 running.
  |       You will need Tomcat manager running and working
  |       login for Tomcat manager. To create a user for
  |       Tomcat manager, edit the file
  |          <tomcat>\conf\tomcat-users.xml
  |       and add a line for the desired user, such as
  |         <user 
  |            username="username" 
  |            password="password" 
  |            fullName="Your Fullname" 
  |            roles="manager"/>
  |       If it is not already there, you may want a to add 
  |       the manager role above the user line... such as
  |          <role rolename="manager"/>
  |       This script was designed to deploy a Tapestry servlet
  |       application using Tomcat 4.1+. This script assumes
  |       that the project is laid out how Spindle lays out 
  |       applications. All that should need to be modified 
  |       is the few lines near the top...
  |             application
  |             tomcatHome
  |             workspaceHome
  |             mgrUsername
  |             mgrPassword
  |      Using the manager to install/remove applications keeps
  |      you from having to stop and restart Tomcat every time
  |      you need to update your application.
  |    -->
  |    <property name="application" value="hangman2" />
  |    <property name="tomcatHome" value="c:/tomcat" />
  |    <property name="workspaceHome" 
value="c:/save/eclipse/TapestryTutorialWorkspace" />
  |    <property name="mgrUsername" value="username" />
  |    <property name="mgrPassword" value="password" />
  |    <property name="webappsHome" value="${tomcatHome}/webapps" />
  |    <property name="appHome" value="${webappsHome}/${application}" />
  |    <property name="contextHome" 
value="${workspaceHome}/${application}/context" />
  |    <property name="deployWarsDir" 
value="${workspaceHome}/${application}/DeployWars" />
  |    <property name="mgrUrl" value="http://localhost:8080/manager"; />
  |    <property name="mgrRemoveUrl" value="${mgrUrl}/remove" />
  |    <property name="mgrDeployUrl" value="${mgrUrl}/install" />
  |    <target name="Deploy_to_LocalDev">        
  |       <!-- LocalDev deploys right into the local tomcat -->
  |       <mkdir dir="${deployWarsDir}/local-dev" /> 
  |       <delete file="${deployWarsDir}/local-dev/${application}.war" />
  |       <war
  |         duplicate="preserve"
  |             destfile="${deployWarsDir}/local-dev/${application}.war"
  |             webxml="${contextHome}/WEB-INF/web.xml">
  |             <classes dir="${contextHome}/WEB-INF/classes" />
  |             <fileset dir="${contextHome}">
  |                <include name="*" />
  |                <include name="css/*.css" />
  |                <include name="images/*" />
  |                <include name="WEB-INF/*.page" />
  |                <include name="WEB-INF/*.application" />
  |                <include name="WEB-INF/*.jwc" />
  |                <include name="WEB-INF/*.html" />
  |             </fileset>
  |       </war>
  |       <!-- Deploy to Tomcat 4.1 -->
  |       <!-- NOTE: The remaineder of this installation requires the Tomcat 
  |            manager be running and the build will fail if it is not. -->
  |       <!-- Remove the application -->
  |       <delete file="deploy-local-remove.txt" />
  |       <get
  |          src="${mgrRemoveUrl}?path=/${application}"
  |          dest="deploy-local-remove.txt"
  |          username="${mgrUsername}" 
  |          password="${mgrPassword}" />
  |       <loadfile property="deploy.local.remove.result"
  |          srcFile="deploy-local-remove.txt" />
  |       <echo>${deploy.local.remove.result}</echo>
  |       <delete file="deploy-local-remove.txt" />
  |       <!-- Remove the directory containing the old version of the 
application -->
  |       <!--
  |       <delete dir="${webappsHome}/${application}" />
  |       -->
  |       <unzip 
  |          src="${deployWarsDir}/local-dev/${application}.war"
  |          dest="${webappsHome}/${application}" />
  |       <!-- Install the application -->
  |       <delete file="deploy-local-remove.txt" />
  |       <property name="mgrDeployParams"
value="path=/${application}&amp;war=file://${webappsHome}/${application}/" />
  |       <get
  |          src="${mgrDeployUrl}?${mgrDeployParams}"
  |          dest="deploy-local-remove.txt"
  |          username="${mgrUsername}" 
  |          password="${mgrPassword}" />
  |       <loadfile property="deploy.local.remove.resultb"
  |          srcFile="deploy-local-remove.txt" />
  |       <echo>${deploy.local.remove.resultb}</echo>
  |       <delete file="deploy-local-remove.txt" />
  |    </target> 
  |    <target name="Build_All" depends="Deploy_to_LocalDev" />
  | </project>

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