If you search the forums, I've posted a message about this problem:


My solution was to just write the task into the ant build file without using 
the  tag.  My ant task looks as the following:
(Ignore the mkdirs)

  | <target name="wscompile" description="Generates WSDL and JAXRPC mapping 
file" depends="compile">
  |     <mkdir dir="${build.web.service.home}"/>
  |     <mkdir dir="${build.web.service.generated.home}"/>
  |     <mkdir dir="${build.web.service.wsdl.home}"/>
  |     <java classname="com.sun.xml.rpc.tools.wscompile.Main" fork="yes" 
  |       <classpath refid="compile.classpath"/>
  |       <arg line='-d "${build.web.service.wsdl.home}"' />
  |       <arg line="-define" />
  |       <arg line="-features:documentliteral" />
  |       <arg line='-mapping 
  |       <arg line="-verbose" />
  |       <arg line='-classpath "${build.classes.home}"'  />
  |       <arg line='"${config.home}/${config.file}"' />
  |     </java>
  |   </target>

This circumvents the problems you're seeing from using the wscompile ant task.

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