
I am trying to apply the MVC pattern to an application in which:

1.  Multiple clients (<10) simultaneously connect over the internet to the same 
server.  Clients are typical internet users with a standard web browser. 

2.  The server processes requests from any one client, and then updates the 
view of all clients

First, is the MVC the best design pattern for this type of application?

What I've come up with so far is:

1. The View: a java applet or Java Web Start deployed application.  I would 
like to use the jws option but I'm not sure if the majority of internet users 
have browsers that support the technology.

2. The Controller: by definition should manage how the view interacts with the 
model.  This is where my biggest questions are and I'm not sure what technology 
to leverage.  Options I've considered so far are:

Servlets: this would make sense except firstly, I'm under the impression that 
servlets are not persistant in that one does not know for sure if they will 
still be there after a period of inactivity, and secondly I don't know if one 
servlet can server multiple clients at the same time easily, and lastly if a 
servlet can initiate communication with a client.

EJB as controller: I'm not sure EJB's can communicate directly with an applet 
or application cleint, and I understand this option could be problematic 
because EJB's use RMI-IIOP to communicate with clients, and RMI-IIOP doesn't 
react well to firewalls and thus could exclude a good portion of internet users.

Other: write a custom java class to be the controller?

3. The model: EJB session bean seems to make the most sense.  The clients all 
connect to the controller which connects one on one to the model for a period 
of time.

My questions are:

1. How should I implement the controller?

2. Given a controller, how should it communicate with clients?  I would like to 
use plain RMI for client-controller comms, but that depends on the type of 
controller used.

3. Are EJB session beans a good choice for the model?

Thanks in advance for any advise,


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