"md5georg" wrote : Hello,
  | thanks for the reply jasong!
  | I am very sorry... the included WSDL part was not correct. It should not 
  | contain the "qualified" attributes should not be there. I did copy the part 
  | from the wrong WSDL file. The correct WSDL should be like this (again, I 
  | am sorry :)  :
Well then the response message is correct, since the default is unqualified.
 I am not sure what problem .NET would have with it then. One thing that 
is missing though from your wsdl snippet is your element definition. Would 
you mind posting your full wsdl file, or perhaps the element definition for 

Also, this could potentially be a bug in how .NET generates the client code. 
Can you search your generated client code for  
"Form=System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaForm.Qualified", you may have to 
edit this to fix the problem.

anonymous wrote : 
  | By the way, what does it mean, qualified/unqualified and how did you see 
  | that the SOAP request was not qualified?

Prefixed = foo:b
Non-prefixed = b
Qualified = element is declared to be in a namespace via a default 
namespace declaration ie xmlns="blah" on the tag or it is prefixed (foo:b). 
Unqualified = local scoping, element has no namespace. Usually this is a 
non-prefixed element where its parent element has no default namespace.

So result is unqualified ns1:result is qualified.

For more info see the primer http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-0


anonymous wrote : 
  | Ps. I tried even though to set them "unqualified" but then the client could 
  | not even parse the WSDL file... Jikes!  ds. 

hmm thats very bad, you may have another error in the file whats your 
validation error?


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