We are migrating an application from Weblogic to JBoss.  We have a problem in 
calling a remote EJB.

The scenario is this:  We have two JBoss servers on two machines.  The 
application with EJB's is deployed on both machines.  There is one part of the 
application that no matter which machine it is executed from, it has to call a 
method on the local EJB, and the same method on the remote EJB.  Both EJB's are 
the same type, they are just deployed on two machines.

The symptom: Instead of both local and remote EJB's each getting called once, 
the LOCAL EJB got called TWICE!  The remote EJB never got called.

Our code:

In the JNDI code, for both local and remote EJB, the following code with url 
specified is used:

        Properties p = new Properties();
        p.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, urlString);
        InitialContext objContext = new InitialContext(p);
        Context contxt = objContext.getInitialContext();
        EJBHome home = 
(EJBHome)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(contxt.lookup(lookupName), homeClass);

We have also tried the following but the result is the same:

        InitialContext objContext = new InitialContext();
        Context contxt = objContext.getInitialContext();
        contxt.addToEnvionment(Context.PROVIDER_URL, urlString);
        EJBHome home = 
(EJBHome)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(contxt.lookup(lookupName), homeClass);

Runtime debugging statements from InitialContext environment

###Printing InitialContext environment hashtable for local call:
###Map Key: java.naming.provider.url Map value: jnp://
###Map Key: java.naming.factory.initial Map value: 
###Map Key: java.naming.factory.url.pkgs Map value: 
###HomeClass : AdminMainAppHome

###Printing InitialContext environment hashtable for remote call:
###Map Key: java.naming.provider.url Map value: jnp://
###Map Key: java.naming.factory.initial Map value: 
###Map Key: java.naming.factory.url.pkgs Map value: 
###HomeClass : AdminMainAppHome

As you can see, the InitialContext does have the respective urls, but it is 
only invoking the local EJB.  We know that because we have debugging statements 
inside the EJB and the local one got called twice.

Request for ideas:

I have searched many of the EJB forum items, and I read Chapter 3 of JBoss 4.01 
guide, but still I could not find a solution.  JBoss is new to me.  Could 
someone shed some light, as we encountered several issues recently and are now 
behind schedule?  What am I missing?  What have we done wrong?


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