First of all, I'm using JBoss 4.0.1 and Eclipse 3.0.1M6 with MyEclipse.
I've deployed a Stateless Session Bean in the server and it's ok. In fact, when 
I see the jmx-console in the JNDI view I can see the values for the EJB 
The issue is that when I try to access the EJB through a client (in my case a 
JUnit Test Case class, but also I've tried with a standalone application), 
always I get a ClassCastException.
The method of the client code I'm calling is:

  | public void testClientEJB(){
  |   Properties props = new Properties();
  |   props.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, 
  |   props.put(Context.URL_PKG_PREFIXES, 
  |   props.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "localhost:3332");
  |   try{
  |     InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext(props);
  |     assertTrue(ctx!=null);
  |     Object ref = ctx.lookup("ejb/HelloWorld");
  |     System.out.println("Got a reference to the EJB");
  |     HelloWorldHome pruebaHome = (HelloWorldHome)   
  |     assertTrue(pruebaHome!=null);
  |     HelloWorld pruebaServer = (HelloWorld) pruebaHome.create();
  |     System.out.println(pruebaServer.execute());
  |   }catch (Exception e){
  |     e.printStackTrace();
  |   }
  | }
And the console output is:

  | Got a reference to the EJB
  | java.lang.ClassCastException
  |     at 
  |     at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
  |     at 
  |     at 
  |     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:324)
  |     at junit.framework.TestCase.runTest(TestCase.java:154)
  |     at junit.framework.TestCase.runBare(TestCase.java:127)
  |     at junit.framework.TestResult$1.protect(TestResult.java:106)
  |     at junit.framework.TestResult.runProtected(TestResult.java:124)
  |     at junit.framework.TestResult.run(TestResult.java:109)
  |     at junit.framework.TestCase.run(TestCase.java:118)
  |     at junit.framework.TestSuite.runTest(TestSuite.java:208)
  |     at junit.framework.TestSuite.run(TestSuite.java:203)
  |     at 
  |     at 
  |     at 
Note: The line 29 in testClient is when I try to obtain the Remote Interface 
from the create method of the home interface,i.e.,

  | HelloWorld pruebaServer = (HelloWorld) pruebaHome.create();

Of course, I have in the classpath client the jbossall-client.jar
I've had the Eclipse EJB Project linked as a Project required on the build path 
(to make the interfaces classes available to the application) and the error was 
I've tried to export a jar with the classes of the EJB and include this jar in 
the classpath of the application and the error continued there.

Someone has experienced this kind of error? 

Thanks a lot

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