I've have managed to write a generic test case that can be used to prove that a 
CMP entity's attributes are rendered empty by the Commit Option D refresh 
thread even if you do not call the a find() method a second time.

Using a simple servlet (for want of a better way to talk to the EJBs) I first 
connected my servlet directly to a CMP entity bean. The entity bean transaction 
demarcation was set to RequiresNew.
In-between setting the attributes of the entity I suspended the current thread. 
This allowed the thread that controls the Commit Option D that controls the 
cache to perform a flush(). I then tested the values of the attributes that I 
had just set... and they were fine. Not a problem.

Next I introduced a session bean to act as a processor/proxy for the entity 
bean. The transaction demarcations were set to Required for the Entity bean, 
and RequiresNew for the session bean. The processor had a createEntity() method 
that would create a new entity instance and then start setting the values of 
the new entity's attributes. After setting a couple of attributes I again 
suspended the current thread to allow the flushing of the cache to take place. 
When I inspected the values of the attributes I had just set, they were empty!
The session bean had not performed anymore lookups or called anymore finder 
methods, and yet the entity it was working with had been completely reset.

This doesn't appear to be a particularly robust feature of JBoss, but it may be 
that I am choosing the wrong settings somewhere and would appreciate a little 
investigation into this matter.

I have an EAR file available that can be deployed to show this bug in action, 
but who do I submit it to?


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