thx for your tips, but the jsp is already fixed.

here is the running version

  | <%@ page import="*" %>
  | <%@ page import="javax.portlet.*"%>
  | <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/portal-lib.tld" prefix="m"%>
  | <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/portlet.tld" prefix="portlet"%>
  | <portlet:defineObjects/>
  | <%
  | String calcAction = (String)session.getAttribute("calcAction");
  | String calcbin = (String)session.getAttribute("calcbin");
  | %>
  | <P>This is a very simple calculator (can only add).</P>
  | <div>
  | <br />
  | Result : <%= ((Calculator)session.getAttribute("testBean")).getSResult()%>
  | <br />
  | <br />
  | <br />
  | </div>
  | <form method="POST" action="<portlet:actionURL></portlet:actionURL>">
  | <div>
  | <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="sNumber1" id="sNumber1" VALUE="0" />
  | <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="sNumber2" id="sNumber2" VALUE="0" />
  | </div>
  | <br />
  | <div>
  | <input name="calcbin" type="radio" value="bin" <%=calcbin.equals("bin") ? 
"CHECKED" : ""%>/>bin
  | <input name="calcbin" type="radio" value="hex" <%=calcbin.equals("hex") ? 
"CHECKED" : ""%>/>hex
  | <input name="calcbin" type="radio" value="oct" <%=calcbin.equals("oct") ? 
"CHECKED" : ""%>/>oct
  | <input name="calcbin" type="radio" value="fac" <%=calcbin.equals("fac") ? 
"CHECKED" : ""%>/>n!
  | <br />
  | <br />
  | </div>
  | <div>
  | <INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" name="calcAction" id="1" value="sub"/>
  | <INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" name="calcAction" id="2" value="add"/>
  | <INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" name="calcAction" id="3" value="div"/>
  | <INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" name="calcAction" id="4" value="multi"/>
  | <INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" name="calcAction" id="5" value="mod" />
  | <Input type="submit" name="do" value="resolve" />
  | </div>
  | </form>

thanks to roy for helping me

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