Hi all; i'm using JBoss 3.2.6 on Windows XP sp 2 and SDK 1.4.2_07; i have 
created a my .ear and i have created a my security-domain; well i have modified 
the auth.conf file by adding: 

  | eng {
  |    // jBoss LoginModule
  |    org.jboss.security.ClientLoginModule  required;
  |    // Put your login modules that need jBoss here
  | };

Then i have modifed the login-config.xml in this way: 

  |                                      <authentication>      <login-module 
code = "org.jboss.security.auth.spi.ProxyLoginModule" flag = "required">        
<module-option name = "moduleName">                                             
                   </module-option>        <module-option name = 
"unauthenticatedIdentity">      </module-option>        <module-option name = 
"dsJndiName">               </module-option>        <module-option name = 
"daemonUsername">      </module-option>        <module-option name = 
"daemonPassword">            </module-option>      </login-module>    
</authentication>  </application-policy>                                        
                                                             < roleSets.length; 
i++ ){
  |             log.info( "Eleemnto:"+i+" "+roleSets
  |  );
  |         }
  |         return roleSets;
  |     }
  |     private long addCallerPrincipal(Connection con, List groups) throws
  |             SQLException, LoginException {
  |         log.info( "Ritorno 0" );
  |         return 0L;
  |     }
  |     private void addGroupsAsRoles(Connection con, SimpleGroup roles,
  |                                   long id, boolean isMember) throws
  |             SQLException, LoginException {
  |         log.info( "addGroupRoles" );
  |         for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
  |             roles.addMember(new SimplePrincipal("StaffManagementRole_" + 
  |             addGroupsAsRoles(con, roles, i, false);
  |         }
  |     }
  |     private String lookupGroup(Connection con, long grpId) throws 
  |             LoginException {
  |         PreparedStatement ps = null;
  |         ResultSet rs = null;
  |         try {
  |             ps = con.prepareStatement
  |                  ("SELECT NAME FROM STAFFGROUP WHERE DBID = ?");
  |             ps.setLong(1, grpId);
  |             rs = ps.executeQuery();
  |             if (!rs.next()) {
  |                 throw new LoginException
  |                         ("Group vanished from table");
  |             }
  |             return rs.getString(1);
  |         } finally {
  |             closeAll(rs, ps, null);
  |         }
  |     }
  |     private void closeAll(ResultSet rs, Statement st,
  |                           Connection con) throws SQLException {
  |         if (rs != null) {
  |             rs.close();
  |         }
  |         if (st != null) {
  |             st.close();
  |         }
  |         if (con != null) {
  |             con.close();
  |         }
  |     }
  |     protected String getUsersPassword() throws LoginException {
  |         log.info( "Returning password" );
  |         return null;
  |     }
  | }

When i start JBoss i start it by using this option 
but i have always the error i showed before... can anybody help me?

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