Hi everyone, I have an app that generates reports in PDF format and streams 
them to the client browser from a servlet. The report viewer page has an <embed 
tag which calls the servlet, which then streams the PDF to the client. 

This works beautifully in my JDEV/OC4J environment. When I deploy to JBOSS 
3.2.4 (JVM 1.4.2_03) is stops working and gives me one of these errors:

File does not start with ?%PDF-? (most frequently)
The file is damaged and could not be repaired
File connection timed out

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!!!

I have tried all of the following suggestions gleaned from your and other 


  | <servlet-name>eStarReport.pdf</servlet-name>
  | <servlet-class>com.estar.servlet.eStarImageServlet</servlet-class>
  | </servlet>
  | <servlet-mapping>
  | <servlet-name>eStarReport.pdf</servlet-name>
  | <url-pattern>/com.estar.servlet.eStarImageServlet</url-pattern>
  | </servlet-mapping>
  | <mime-mapping>
  | <extension>pdf</extension>
  | <mime-type>application/pdf</mime-type>
  | </mime-mapping>

Code that streams the pdf :

  | arResponse.setHeader( "Content-disposition", "inline; 
  | arResponse.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache");
  | also tried: arResponse.setHeader( "Cache-Control", "max-age=30");
  | also tried :arResponse.setHeader( "Cache-Control", "must-revalidate"); 
  | ByteArrayOutputStream ltestStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
  | this.outputReportPDF(ltestStream);
  | arResponse.setContentLength(ltestStream.toByteArray().length);
  | OutputStream lResponseStream = arResponse.getOutputStream();
  | ltestStream.writeTo(lResponseStream);
  | if (! arResponse.isCommitted()) arResponse.flushBuffer();

Tag on Report Viewer page:

<EMBED ID="Report_Object" 
 width="100%" height="768">

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