"gdaswani" wrote : 
  | Coherence supports POJO replication across the cluster

What I referred to is replication at the field level, e.g.

person.age++ would replicate only the "age" field, never the entire object. 
JBossCacheAOP does this.

anonymous wrote : 
  | to the more elaborate partitioned caches including near cache's which can 
then be backed by a distributed cache (somewhat similar to a CPU's L1 and L2 
caches).  If you guys had a roadmap on features to implement, I'd say - take a 
look at what caching strategies tangosol offers.  Plus cluster wide locking.

We have remote caching on the roadmap (delegating CacheLoader), it is already 
partly implemented (but not advertized because it hasn't been tested yet).

What's the use case for cluster-wide locking ?
JGroups itself has a distributed lock manager, but I haven't seen a use case 
for it in JBossCache.

anonymous wrote : 
  | In regards to the JTA support, and JCA - I believe they are seperated out 
onto different JAR files - nevertheless, if the feature isn't needed - there's 
no reason to require it as a concrete dependency..

I hear you. I fully agree, too. But you have to understand that we have just 
ripped out the JBossCache (CVS) module from JBossAS, and JBossCache 1.2.3 is 
the first standalone version. In the versions to come, we will gradually remove 
more and more dependencies.

anonymous wrote : 
  | I just like the product and I hope Jboss-Cache will be further enhanced to 
support it's elaborate caching strategies along with support for a distributed 
lock manager (coherent distributed cache).

We will get there eventually. Yes, we will take a look at the competition at 
some point, to see whether we offer the same functionality and - if not - see 
whether it makes sense to implement it.
Hope this helps,

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