
after moving from jboss 3.2.6 to 3.2.7 I encounter the following problem in the 
following scenario:

1. I retrieve the MBeanServer from another cluster node using the code below:
        Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
        if (ipAddress.indexOf(":") >= 0) {
MessageFormat.format("jnp://{0}", new String[] { ipAddress }));
        else {
MessageFormat.format("jnp://{0}:1099", new String[] { ipAddress }));
        Context c = new InitialContext(env);
        RMIAdaptor a = (RMIAdaptor) c.lookup("jmx/rmi/RMIAdaptor");
        return new RMIConnectorImpl(a);

2. I call from the current cluster node (not from a client but from a server 
node) the method <isRegistered(objectName)> on the remote mbeanserver proxy 
retrieved in step 1  to check whether an MBean with the given object name is 
available on the remote mbean server.

The problem is that this call returns false even tough the respective MBean is 
registered on the respective remote mbean server. This worked fine when using 
jboss 3.2.6. Does anyone know what happend in 3.2.7?
I assume that the call is performed locally and not on the remote MBean server 
and since the MBean with the given object name is available only on the remote 
server and not on the local one the method evaluates to false. 
How should one call a method on a remote mbean server (retrieved based on a 
given IP) and be sure that the method is invoked against the remote mbean 

Is this a bug in 3.2.7? Is there another way in 3.2.7 to make the same thing 
i.e. get the remote mbean server and call a method on it?

Claudiu Anghel

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