I had a similar problem about a year ago with v3.2.5. I don't know if it is the 
same problem, or if the solution is still valid - I am currently unable to get 
JAAS working in JBoss 4 at the moment. Here is the code I have:

I have this.roles as a member variable arraylist which I fill earlier. 

  | protected Group[] getRoleSets()
  |         throws LoginException
  |     {
  |         if (this.roles == null)
  |             throw new LoginException("null roles!");
  |         log.trace("getRoleSets() returning "
  |             + this.roles.toString());
  |         Group groups[] = new Group[1];
  |         Set principals = super.subject.getPrincipals();
  |         if (principals == null)
  |             throw new LoginException("principals == null!");
  |         // next line creates NestedGroup - tomcat doesn't see it
  |         // groups[0] = super.createGroup("Roles", principals);
  |         // next 2 lines instead of JBoss superclass:
  |         groups[0] = new SimpleGroup("Roles");
  |         principals.add(groups[0]);
  |         for (int x = 0; x < roles.size(); x++)
  |         {
  |             GargantusRole role = (GargantusRole) this.roles.get(x);
  |             groups[0].addMember(new NestablePrincipal(role.getName()));
  |         }
  |         log.trace("adding our roles to subject");
  |         return groups;
  |     }

If you put logging statements in your current class, I think you will find that 
your roles are just disappearing, so using the above to override should help.

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