I already posted the same message on the serlet newsgroup. I try on this too 
just in case. 
I'm currently trying to migrate a webapp from weblogic8.1 to JBoss, and I'm 
meeting a problem I hadn't with WLS.

My webapp has a <security-constraint> section with <auth-constraint>. I'm using 
Form authentication with DB Realm. My problem is that I can log in my webapp, 
but I get a 403 saying I'm not allowed to access ressources.

I checked several things :
- I can log in, ie login/password are checked against DB, so this part works. 
If I give a wrong password, I get <form-error-page> page.
- I added a piece of code in my 403.jsp. I added 3 lines :
0. System.out.println(request.getRemoteUser()); --> return djeanprost
1. System.out.println(request.isUserInRole("collaborateur")); where 
collaborateur is a group of my group table. --> Return true, which is normal to 
2. System.out.println(request.isUserInRole("utilisateurCollaborateur")); --> 
utilisateurCollaborateur is a role I specified in the <auth-constraint> section 
in the web.xml. I also have a <security-role> section where I declare the 
utilisateurCollaborateur role name. In my jboss-web.xml, I have a 

where I map utilisateurCollaborateur to collaborateur and djeanprost. I added 
the principal name djeanprost to add a test : it does not work neither.

I conclude the mapping from utilisateurCollaborateur to collaborateur is not 

Where am I wrong ?


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