"bgrieder" wrote : Hi,
  | Thanks for your reply.
  | I thought about that too and tried to implement a container configuration 
(details below) with option D and optiond-refresh-rate set at 30 (seconds).
  | I have been watching ejbStore on the entity bean, but nothing happened....
  | Any Clue?
  | Cheers
  | Bruno
For immediate call to ejbStore you need to set commit Option C . Why are you 
putting commit Option D as it is similar to the A . Please refer to the Section 
11.8.1 of the admin docs of Jboss for details . 
"bgrieder" wrote : 
  |   | <container-configurations>
  |   |         <container-configuration>
  |   |       <container-name>Option D30</container-name>
  |   |           <call-logging>false</call-logging>            
  |   |       
  |   |       <sync-on-commit-only>false</sync-on-commit-only>
  |   |       <insert-after-ejb-post-create>false</insert-after-ejb-post-create>
  |   |       <container-interceptors>
  |   |         
  |   |         <interceptor>org.jboss.ejb.plugins.LogInterceptor</interceptor>
  |   |         
  |   |         
  |   |         
  |   |         <interceptor 
  |   |         
  |   |         
  |   |         
  |   |         
  |   |         
  |   |         
  |   |       </container-interceptors>
  |   |       
  |   |       
  |   |       
  |   |       
  |   |       <container-cache-conf>
  |   |         
  |   |         <cache-policy-conf>
  |   |           <min-capacity>50</min-capacity>
  |   |           <max-capacity>1000000</max-capacity>
  |   |           <overager-period>300</overager-period>
  |   |           <max-bean-age>600</max-bean-age>
  |   |           <resizer-period>400</resizer-period>
  |   |           <max-cache-miss-period>60</max-cache-miss-period>
  |   |           <min-cache-miss-period>1</min-cache-miss-period>
  |   |           <cache-load-factor>0.75</cache-load-factor>
  |   |         </cache-policy-conf>
  |   |       </container-cache-conf>
  |   |       <container-pool-conf>
  |   |         <MaximumSize>100</MaximumSize>
  |   |       </container-pool-conf>
  |   |       <commit-option>D</commit-option>
  |   |       <optiond-refresh-rate>30</optiond-refresh-rate>
  |   |     </container-configuration>
  |   | </container-configurations>
  |   | 
Since you have changed the container name from the default Standard BMP 
EntityBean , how do u tell the ejb that it has got to use Option D30 . I feel 
some things are missing from your side inconfiguration . 
Well give me some time as i need to prepare the demo ejb and then test , and on 
top of that I need to configure DataSource arrange database on my system 
I will test the same again I have not being playing with Entity Beans from long 

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