"yantriki" wrote : ... and when I access the forum, I want to still have access 
to the user and menu portlets.
I think I found the problem and this is not possible with the ForumsPortlet at 
the moment.

To see user and menu portlet with the forums, you need to call the forums in 
'normal' windowstate - which works for the default OP_MAIN. But for the further 
request to show the forums index, the ForumsPortlet sets the windowstate to 

   protected void doView([...] {
  | [...]
  |       if (req.getWindowState() != WindowState.MAXIMIZED)
  |       {
  |          writer.write("<table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"2\" 
cellspacing=\"2\"><tr class=\"portlet-section-body\">");
  |          // Window is is normal mode
  |          // Check if the user is an administrator
  |          boolean isAdmin = req.hasPermission("Admin");
  |          if (isAdmin)
  |          {
  | [...]         }
  |          else
  |          {
  |             writer.write("<td align=\"center\" 
  |          }
  |          //Create a link to the forum index
  |          PortletURL showForumsURL = resp.createRenderURL();
  |          showForumsURL.setWindowState(WindowState.MAXIMIZED);
  | [...]
The code fragement marked red always puts the further requests to the forums 
from normal into maximised state and no user portlet etc will be rendered.

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