We have a web service where an internal company client uses the WSDL to 
'scrape' the service endpoint from the "<wsdlsoap:address location" tag. 

Problem is they require a full-qualified domain name.  The WSDL generated has 
(for example)  host:8080, whereas the client needs host.company.com:8080.  
Modifying the following line in jboss-service.xml under 
server\default\deploy\jboss-ws4ee.sar\META-INF works under Windows:

   <attribute name="WebServiceHost">host.company.com</attribute>

...but under Solaris 8, it doesn't - the resulting WSDL still has host:8080.   
We found that adding the -b option when starting JBoss works (eg. 
-bhost.company.com), but we'd prefer to NOT modify the run scripts unless 
absolutely necessary.

Is there some reason modifying the jboss-service.xml doesn't work under Solaris?

Thanks in advance

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