The 4.0.3 release is available from sourceforge here: JBoss-4.0.3

Full release notes with compatibility notes an highlights are included in the 
release readme. The summary for JBossAS-4.0.3RC1 JBossAS-4.0.3RC2 JBossAS-4.0.3 


 [ JBAS-51 ] bug in cascade-delete with relationships in Jboss CMP 
 [ JBAS-977 ] Slow performance of JaasSecurityManager 
 [ JBAS-1120 ] Nullpointer in rardeployment breaks jmxconsole 
 [ JBAS-1168 ] batch-cascade-delete problem 
 [ JBAS-1181 ] Performance degredation with local IIOP calls 
 [ JBAS-1262 ] MBean for ear not deregistered when deploy fails 
 [ JBAS-1281 ] JCA Resource is not undeployed 
 [ EJBTHREE-236 ] EJB3 .ear file and hot deploy of .war file cause 
 [ JBAS-1308 ] thirdparty module needs updating 
 [ JBAS-1319 ] redeploy causes OutOfMemoryError 
 [ JBAS-1453 ] When 4.0.1 is first launched, the first line under "JBoss online 
resources" is "Getting started with JBoss 3.2 [PDF]" 
 [ JBAS-1708 ] Error obtaining some MBeanInfo instances via RMIAdaptor 
 [ JBAS-1498 ] RARDeployment throws incorrect IllegalArgumentException for 
underlying ManagedConnectionFactory exceptions 
 [ JBAS-1546 ] ejbSelect methods with same name, diferent signatures does not 
 [ JBAS-1628 ] Naming SimpleUnitTestCase failures 
 [ JBAS-1667 ] Unit test failure: bringing up the test suite 
(RemoteDSUnitTestCase) fails 
 [ JBAS-1807 ] static analysis found infinite recursive loops in jboss code 
 [ JBAS-1922 ] ejb-link fails with appl client 
 [ JBAS-1721 ] Case sensitivity issue with win32 drive spec and link resolution 
 [ JBAS-1726 ] Problem using HA-JNDI and Fail Over 
 [ JBAS-1759 ] NPE in URLDeploymentScanner 
 [ JBAS-1776 ] Persistent MBean cannot be reloaded and thus fails to redeploy 
 [ JBAS-1782 ] Remote RMI classloading is not download classes inside non-EJB 
jars in the deploy folder 
 [ JBAS-1784 ] Injected mbean dependencies do not honor the dependency contract 
 [ JBAS-1786 ] HARDeployer not working out-the-box, missing 
org.apache.commons.collections dependancy 
 [ JBAS-1787 ] Twiddle gives StreamCorruptionException when invoking custom 
 [ JBAS-1788 ] The test-example-binding-manager does not check enough details 
 [ JBAS-1789 ] Validate that ServiceDeployerJSE is using the 
 [ JBAS-1800 ] JAAS authentication from bean (as client) doesn't work 
 [ JBAS-1801 ] hibernate-service not deployed in exploded har inside exploded 
 [ JBAS-1804 ] Need to correctly handle CreateException 
 [ JBAS-1811 ] WEB-INF/context.xml element pathname attribute does not work 
 [ JBAS-1813 ] call-by-value needs testing 
 [ JBAS-1816 ] StatusServlet xsl is not in the correct location 
 [ JBAS-1821 ] Setting AutoDiscoveryBindAddress has no affect 
 [ JBAS-1823 ] ConcurrentModificationException in JRMPInvokerProxyHA 
 [ JBAS-1825 ] Twiddle script fails with JAVA_HOME that contains a space 
 [ JBAS-1827 ] JACC: DelegatingPolicy.implies() loops when SecurityManager and 
trace log used. 
 [ JBAS-1842 ] Too many threads (one for every entity bean) causes 
 [ JBAS-1843 ] HAJNDI autodiscovery does not respond 
 [ JBAS-1845 ] NPE from CodebasePolicyFactory.create_policy(); IIOP out not 
 [ JBAS-1850 ] JCA and javabean conventions 
 [ JBAS-1852 ] Unexpected Principal (Security Identity) Propagation Switch 
 [ JBAS-1855 ] Tomcat clustered SSO will have tx active exception 
 [ JBAS-1859 ] UIL2 needs SOTimeout on the client 
 [ JBAS-1862 ] SecurityInterceptor is not managing subject context stack 
correctly when run-as is seen 
 [ JBAS-1870 ] JBoss JSR-88 DeploymentManager.getRunningModules returns no 
 [ JBAS-1872 ] The "--jaxp=crimson" option does not work 
 [ JBAS-1880 ] Memory leak in ServiceController/ServiceMBeanSupport 
 [ JBAS-1881 ] JMS JMX operations throw NPE 
 [ JBAS-1884 ] BytesMessage.writeObject(String) uses a poor encoding choice 
 [ JBAS-1892 ] hajndi-jms-ds.xml uses the wrong connection factory binding 
 [ JBAS-1893 ] Finders that use user-type-mappings are broken 
 [ JBAS-1894 ] DistributedReplicantManager deadlock on Shutdown 
 [ JBAS-1902 ] Appclient teardown in the wrong place 
 [ JBAS-1905 ] NPE in FileURLLister 
 [ JBAS-1910 ] MessageReference leak in PersistentQueue if PersistenceManager 
throws an exception during add() 
 [ JBAS-1911 ] MarshalledInvocation should not eat errors deserializing 
 [ JBAS-1912 ] Twiddle launch IOException when info command is used in Log4j 
 [ JBAS-1913 ] Selection of install group modifies other install groups 
 [ JBAS-1914 ] Incomplete dependency list: uuid-key-generator 
 [ JBAS-1916 ] TxUtils.isActive() does not perform the expected check. 
 [ JBAS-1918 ] Incomplete dependency list: mail-service 
 [ JBAS-1919 ] Incomplete dependency list: jms-socket-invoker 
 [ JBAS-1920 ] Incomplete dependency list: jdbc-metadata-service 
 [ JBAS-1921 ] jmx-invoker-service dependency list incomplete 
 [ JBAS-1927 ] MySQLValidConnectionChecker broken -> NullPointerException 
 [ JBAS-1929 ] jboss-aop-deployer: Deploy Directory not Created 
 [ JBAS-1931 ] installer minimal pack: no deploy directory created 
 [ JBAS-1943 ] Staring installer with 1.4 JVM results in exception 
 [ JBAS-1945 ] EJB3 profile needs DefaultJMSProvider 
 [ JBAS-1946 ] EJB3 profile needs EJB Timer Service 
 [ JBAS-1947 ] EJB3 profile needs Default Datasource 
 [ JBAS-1952 ] Array Index Error in ObjectName pattern 
 [ JBAS-1954 ] Installer EJB3 profile requires cglib 
 [ JBAS-1956 ] JaccAuthorizationRealm constructs WebRoleRefPermission objects 
at runtime with an incorrect role value 
 [ JBAS-1957 ] URLDeploymentScanner fails if an invalid file URL is deployed, 
although other URLs are accessible and valid 
 [ JBAS-1960 ] aoptest.sar does not deploy due to remoting registration 
 [ JBAS-1968 ] IzPack should generate installable jars in the output folder 
 [ JBAS-1969 ] Look into DynLoadingUnitTestCase failure since dynclassloading 
 [ JBAS-1981 ] testsuite compilation problem 
 [ JBAS-1982 ] replication_granularity is not specified in jboss-web_4_0.dtd 
(and 3_2) 
 [ JBAS-1994 ] JSF message bundles use wrong classloader 
 [ JBAS-2010 ] Message Reference leak when rollback competes with subscription 
 [ JBAS-2015 ] run-as does not work for Servlet.init() 
 [ JBAS-2064 ] "Message counter history day limit" attribute for a topic always 
shows as zero 
 [ JBAS-2018 ] installer fails on web.xml.vm 
 [ JBAS-2022 ] ServiceController misses Lifecycle events if the caller does not 
follow the protocol. 
 [ JBAS-2029 ] removeAll() does not remove persistent scheduled messages 
 [ JBAS-2025 ] NullPointerException in JaccAuthorizationInterceptor for CMR ops 
 [ JBAS-2119 ] Tomcat session manager 'PersistentManager' not properly 
 [ JBAS-2033 ] ConnectionFactoryTemplate.xsl contains invalid markup 
 [ JBAS-2034 ] JvmRouteFilter not activated when using Tomcat clustering with 
 [ JBAS-2039 ] Duplicate processing of system properties breaks windows slash 
replacement in jca 
 [ JBAS-2043 ] Unchecked "WebUserDataPermission" instances not being created 
for deployed application 
 [ JBAS-2045 ] DatabaseServerLoginModule can cause two phase commit 
 [ JBAS-2062 ] Queue message counter history does not detect end of first day 
 [ JBAS-2076 ] web-console should be more resilient when listing domains 
 [ JBAS-2081 ] registers itself 
using a null ObjectName 
 [ JBAS-2103 ] Overly strict ModelMBeanInfoSupport validation of name/className 
 [ JBAS-2115 ] Autocommit optimization fails when no work is done outside a JTA 
 [ JBAS-2122 ] org.jboss.test.cluster.test.WebSessionTestCase failure 
 [ JBAS-2128 ] Transaction remains indefinitely marked for rollback 
 [ JBAS-2152 ] Can't remove JSF support 
 [ JBAS-2159 ] 'jboss.jms:alias=QueueConnectionFactory' and 
'jboss.jms:alias=TopicConnectionFactory' MBean declarations do not have 
 [ JBAS-2160 ] NullPointerException in RepositoryClassLoader.findResources() 
 [ JBAS-2167 ] ClassCastException in SpyXAConnection.createSession() 
 [ JBAS-2175 ] SecurityAssociation ThreadLocal property is not affecting the 
new subject stacks 
 [ JBAS-2177 ] JBoss classes are leaking into blob cmp data 
 [ JBAS-2179 ] SRPRemoteServer is not removing sessions on close 
 [ JBAS-2184 ] TimeoutFactory exits if the thread pool rejects any new tasks 
(thread pool is full) 
 [ JBAS-2185 ] NullPointerException while stopping EJB3Deployer 
 [ JBAS-2188 ] "jboss:service=invoker,type=http,target=HAJNDI" misconfigured in 
file httpha-invoker.sar/META-INF/jboss-service.xml 
 [ JBAS-2194 ] Cache tree structure for HttpSession replication does not 
consider virtual hosts 
 [ JBAS-2195 ] TreeCacheListener for modifications in HttpSession repl cache 
too indiscriminate 
 [ JBAS-2200 ] Unable to build previous versions of JBoss 4.0 from Source 
 [ JBAS-2202 ] HttpSession replication "ScopedSet..." Unit tests fail 
 [ JBAS-2212 ] Error caught exception removing session Transaction already 
active NestedRuntimeException 
 [ JBAS-2215 ] Datasource deployments should only depend on a jrmp invoker when 
use-java-context is true 
 [ JBAS-2226 ] Unsafe handling of integer to long conversion in 
 [ JBAS-2229 ] Remove instructions in Tomcat server.xml re sso-channel.xml 
 [ JBAS-2230 ] Error on "Previous" button when changing configuration 
 [ JBAS-2231 ] Invalid RmiPort binding for HAJNDI service 
 [ JBAS-2232 ] Inconsistent handling of deployer suffix ordering needs to be 
 [ JBAS-2238 ] ConcurrentModificationException in MBEanServerImpl.queryNames 
 [ JBAS-2242 ] Webservice bug fixes for 4.0.3 
 [ JBAS-2253 ] Incorrect handling of datasource JNDI name 
 [ JBAS-2255 ] .wsr suffix should not be displayed in MainDeployer 
 [ JBAS-2256 ] Memory leak in cglib 2.1.1 - BulkBean 
 [ JBAS-2261 ] DELETE_ALL_TX sql in the should be 
configurable in the same was as the other sql statements. 
 [ JBAS-2262 ] Remove the log4j dependencies from the core services 
 [ JBAS-2268 ] Modify sample-bindings.xml to include invokers configurations 
 [ JBAS-2275 ] DynamicLoginConfig is not parsing text module-option elements 
 [ JBAS-2291 ] Align to corresponding getInitParameter in NamingFactoryServlet. 
 [ JBAS-2297 ] Web application context initialised twice. 
 [ JBAS-2300 ] exit/shutdown do not emit org.jboss.system.server.stopped 
 [ JBAS-2309 ] Test failures when running JACC-securitymgr tests 
 [ JBAS-2310 ] org.jboss.test.jacc.test.WebIntegrationUnitTestCase 
 [ JBAS-2316 ] NullPointerException in LdapExtLoginModule.rolesSearch() Line 
 [ JBAS-2320 ] Failed authorization does not clear caller identity 
 [ JBAS-2324 ] Spaces in JBoss Install Path Cause Tomcat Startup Failures 
 [ JBAS-2327 ] Modified admin username does not receive admin priviledges 

Feature Request

 [ JBAS-476 ] The TestSuite won't run against a JBoss instance on another 
 [ JBAS-1128 ] Add support for offline DTD 
 [ JBAS-1710 ] twiddle: return non-zero code on error 
 [ JBAS-1508 ] JBoss AS needs JSF 
 [ JBAS-1525 ] Generalize the LdapLoginModule user and roles search mechanism 
 [ JBAS-1610 ] Integrate jdk5 MXBeans (platform MBeans) to JBoss 
 [ JBAS-1753 ] StringPropertyReplacer: Add support for setting a default value 
by means of another system property 
 [ JBAS-1783 ] [PATCH] Allows CachedConnectionManager to throw a 
RuntimeException instead of automatically closing a connection 
 [ JBAS-1809 ] Use the jboss.server.lib.url property in the 
conf/jboss-service.xml classpath 
 [ JBAS-1814 ] Incorporate JBossLoggingMonitor contribution to varia 
 [ JBAS-1818 ] New twiddle 'xmbean' command for producing skeleton xmbean 
 [ JBAS-1826 ] Need support for GlobalNamingResources in server.xml 
 [ JBAS-1836 ] Support multithreaded use of the transaction 
 [ JBAS-1839 ] Need to improve naming debugging 
 [ JBAS-1844 ] ServiceMBeanSupport and duplicate logging 
 [ JBAS-1861 ] Add more logging of shutdown cause 
 [ JBAS-1864 ] IP address parameterization in testsuite 
 [ JBAS-1873 ] Make JBossMQ JMX operations more intuitive 
 [ JBAS-1879 ] Optionally ignore known broken tests 
 [ JBAS-1896 ] Disable full class and resource access by default in RMI dynamic 
class loading service 
 [ JBAS-1903 ] Show Thread CPU utilization in ServerInfo 
 [ JBAS-1906 ] Allow property references in the login-config.xml 
application-policy name attribute 
 [ JBAS-1923 ] createSession(boolean, int) arguments are not handled correctly 
 [ JBAS-1944 ] Add configuration name panel to installer 
 [ JBAS-1959 ] A filter factory to filter subdeployer notifications based on 
DeploymentInfo:shortName (i.e. module) 
 [ JBAS-1970 ] Remove org.dom4j.xpath from top level dom4j.jar 
 [ JBAS-1973 ] Add the partition name as a formal parameter to run.[sh|bat] 
 [ JBAS-1974 ] Allow the udp multicast group to be configurable through a 
system property and command line option 
 [ JBAS-1983 ] Expose all SSL socket factory settings via properties or 
 [ JBAS-2014 ] Add trace level logging to the PooledInvokerProxy 
 [ JBAS-2019 ] need a dnsname as clientAddress for UIL2 service 
 [ JBAS-2048 ] Misspell on Transaction Isolation should throw an error in 
DataSource Configuration 
 [ JBAS-2059 ] Add ability to include form auth password in error page via 
 [ JBAS-2061 ] Remove the unused conf/server.policy 
 [ JBAS-2063 ] Add support for embedded login config policy to 
 [ JBAS-2084 ] Add support for null values to the property editors 
 [ JBAS-2087 ] JDK LogManager and shutdown hook in Sun's JRE 
 [ JBAS-2132 ] Installer does not run under jdk 1.4 
 [ JBAS-2143 ] Allow JaasSecurityManagerService to run in single-threaded mode 
 [ JBAS-2180 ] Extend the tomcat FormAuthenticator to augment the error/login 
page info 
 [ JBAS-2183 ] Create a TimerService wrapper service for configuring mbeans 
 [ JBAS-2216 ] Move sequenceNumber from ServiceMBeanSupport to 
 [ JBAS-2217 ] Simple extension of jboss Logger with a log() primitive that 
maps dynamically to a log level. 
 [ JBAS-2250 ] Cleanup the org.jboss.ejb.plugins.cmp.jdbc.WrappedStatement 
 [ JBAS-2277 ] Allow the UsernamePasswordLoginModule to hash the store/expected 
 [ JBAS-2281 ] Add a BasicAuthValve to access the JAAS exception information 


 [ JBAS-1461 ] Add support for JBossXB to the service deployment layer 
 [ JBAS-1751 ] Integration with jboss-4.0 
 [ JBAS-1747 ] BeanDeployer in JBoss4.0.3 
 [ JBAS-1785 ] Backport dynamic interceptors from HEAD to 4.0 
 [ JBAS-1795 ] update JBoss logos 
 [ JBAS-1798 ] Create a thirdparty JBossCache jar library 
 [ JBAS-1831 ] JDBC rar reports error during close() at WARN level 
 [ JBAS-1851 ] Validate example log4j configs 
 [ JBAS-1865 ] Need jgroups 2.2.8 release note 
 [ JBAS-1882 ] Farm service startup performs way too many file transfers 
 [ JBAS-1883 ] First deploy after joining a cluster is not farmed 
 [ JBAS-1885 ] Thirdparty download urls 
 [ JBAS-1899 ] Farm deployment shouldn't read entire archive file into memory 
 [ JBAS-1904 ] Document the use of JAXR (including jUDDI) in jboss-4.0 
 [ JBAS-1907 ] AOP serialVersionUID 
 [ JBAS-1925 ] Need to create tests for MDB start/stop delivery 
 [ JBAS-1938 ] Complete JBossXB backport to 4.0 
 [ JBAS-1948 ] Incorporate jsr-88 classes into jbossall-client.jar 
 [ JBAS-1976 ] Update 4.0.3 use use Xerces-J 2.7.0 
 [ JBAS-1988 ] Rafactor the XMLAttributePersistenceManager to avoid xml parser 
 [ JBAS-1990 ] Remove, mostly unused org.jboss.util.Mu* classes 
 [ JBAS-2013 ] Update docs for the 4.0.3 release 
 [ JBAS-2027 ] Port set-tx-query-timeout from 3.2 
 [ JBAS-2050 ] org.jboss.util.propertyeditor.DateEditor behaviour in different 
 [ JBAS-2088 ] Fix 4.0.3RC2 testsuite failures 
 [ JBAS-2118 ] Need a remoting version that fixes the serialVersionUID problem 
 [ JBAS-2146 ] Document the compatibility issues for 4.0.3 
 [ JBAS-2181 ] Validate the installer profiles on win32/linux 
 [ JBAS-2186 ] add jboss-remoting.jar to client directory of jbossas build 
 [ JBAS-2247 ] Finalize the 4.0.3 installer 
 [ JBAS-2306 ] Finalize the release note highlights 


 [ JBAS-29 ] Added URL Service MBean 
 [ JBAS-1464 ] MBean for ear not deregistered when deploy fails 
 [ JBAS-1805 ] verbose exception when ejbCreate throws other than 
 [ JBAS-1819 ] Invoker PooledHA service not in sample-bindings.xml 
 [ JBAS-1848 ] Memory leak in due to thread pool: args remained 
in ThreadLocal 
 [ JBAS-1895 ] [PATH] make JBoss JSR-88 consult by ModuleType and return parent 
and children TargetModuleID 
 [ JBAS-1992 ] Unisys support case: Excessive number of exceptions generated 
during JBoss startup 
 [ JBAS-1995 ] Tests(list, start, stop, distribute, undeploy) to JSR-88 

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