How is to configure link  from Global JNDI Namespace to bean's local namespace?

There are two ejb application, deployed in JBoss 4.0.3sp1
First - ejb2, second - ejb3. I need to create reference to SomeEJB2 (from first 
application) in SomeStatelessEJB3 (from second application).

I think, I should do two steps:
1. configure injection of home interface from bean's local namespace.
I do this via:

  | public class PasswordManagerSEJB3 implements IPasswordManager 
  | ...
  |   @EJB(name="PM")
  |   private PasswordManagerHome rpmHome=null;
  | ...

2. configure link java:comp.ejb3/env/ejb/PM (bean's local ns) -> 
java:/PasswordManager (global ns)
how I can do it?

I tried do step 2 with jboss.xml

  | ...
  |    <session>
  |       <ejb-name>PasswordManagerSEJB3</ejb-name>
  |       <ejb-ref>
  |         <ejb-ref-name>PM</ejb-ref-name>
  |         <jndi-name>java:/PasswordManager</jndi-name>
  |       </ejb-ref>
  |     </session>
  | ...
but, it now worked

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