
I'm just starting with EJB, and there's one thing I don't
see very clear, I'm very confused  anyhow

I tried  writing a simple echoing EJB
path:   tst.echo    with a Remote and Local interface
i'm using JBOSS as EJB server  and want  to find  my EJB from a servlet 
AND FROM a standalone  program I want  to access echoLOCAL.
I'm using  annotation and call my bean 
@Stateful(name="hasbean")    no path nor anything 
 my  intialcontext seems to succeed.
 JBOSS signals  my bean is intalled 

how the  hell can I find  back the  bean ???? in JBOSS   Standalone 

 ctx.lookup("hasbean") ?
 ctx.lookup("hasbean") ?
 ctx.lookup("java:hasbean") ?
 ctx.lookup("java:/env/hasbean") ?
 ctx.lookup("java:/env/ejb/hasbean") ?
 ctx.lookup("java:/env/ejb3/hasbean") ?
 or  that  other combination
  agree there  is  a need  for a standard ? but  htere  is also a need  for 
  some proper explanation ??
  after  trying  most combinations  I'm completely lost 

  I tried  looking  in the  list  be  
      EnumerationNaming  ns ctx.list("hasbean") 
     EnumerationNaming  ns ctx.list(java:hasbean") 
     EnumerationNaming  ns ctx.list(java:) 
     EnumerationNaming  ns ctx.list(java:/env) 
     EnumerationNaming  ns ctx.list(java:/env/) 
     EnumerationNaming  ns ctx.list(java:/env/ejb) 
     EnumerationNaming  ns ctx.list(java:/env/ejb/) 
     EnumerationNaming  ns ctx.list(java:/env/ejb3/) 
     EnumerationNaming  ns ctx.list(java:/env/ejb3)

   but all without  any success 

Where to use the EJB name and where to use the JNDI name.
Looks like the EJB name is used in the bean, and the JNDI name
is used in JBoss, but how about in the client ?

Moreover the "path" often varies:
sometimes the "full path" (java:comp/env/ejb/thebean) is used
sometimes ejb/thebean
sometimes thebean

Thanks for any enlightment...

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