I'm getting a strange exception when I try to return a SOAPElement in a 
document\literal webservice: 

  | 11:00:52,564 INFO  [AxisServlet] java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: 
Illegal argument passed to ParameterDesc.setJavaType.  The java type 
javax.xml.soap.SOAPElement does not match the mode inout

We are using the wscompile with the nodatabinding-option, so the signature of 
the generated port-implementation looks like this: 

  | public SOAPElement signup(SOAPElement orderElement) throws RemoteException;

The Webservice runs flawless, as long as we don't return anything (public void  
signup(SOAPElement orderElement) ) - we only get the exception when we switch 
to inout. 

Here is the relevant part of the wsdl: 

  | <message name="OrderRequest">
  |             <part name="request" element="orderTypes:ullOrder" />
  |         </message>
  |         <message name="OrderResponse">
  |             <part name="request" element="orderTypes:returnCode" />
  |         </message>
  |         <portType name="SignupPort">
  |             <operation name="signup" >
  |                 <input  message="tns:OrderRequest" />
  |                 <output  message="tns:OrderResponse" />
  |             </operation>
  |         </portType>
  |         <binding type="tns:SignupPort" name="SignupBinding">
  |             <soap:binding style="document"
  |                           transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http"; 
  |             <operation name="signup">
  |                 <soap:operation soapAction="" />
  |                 <input>
  |                     <soap:body use="literal" />
  |                 </input>
  |                 <output>
  |                     <soap:body use="literal"/>
  |                 </output>
  |             </operation>
  |         </binding>
  |         <service name="SignupServices">
  |             <port name="SignupPort" binding="tns:SignupBinding">
  |                 <soap:address location="REPLACE_WITH_ACTUAL_URL"/>
  |             </port>
  |         </service>    
  |     </definitions>

I found an entry in jira that looks vaguely related: 

but I'm still wondering about the consequences: Does this mean we won't be able 
to use document\literal on return-types before 4.0.4 is out?


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