The first maintenance of 2.0 release is done.

The files are available on sourceforge

The changelog since 2.0 :

  | Release Notes - JBoss Portal - Version 2.0.1 Final
  | ** Feature Request
  |     * [JBPORTAL-266] - Slide store based on hibernate
  |     * [JBPORTAL-354] - in deleting forum or topic in Admin Panel there is 
no possibility to move posts/topics to another topic/forum
  |     * [JBPORTAL-399] - exceed navigation links to have: <portalName> --> 
<CategoryName> --> <forumName>
  |     * [JBPORTAL-400] - add cancel button to PostNewTopic/Reply/EditPost 
views and proper navigation
  | ** Bug
  |     * [JBPORTAL-282] - Request attribute scoping
  |     * [JBPORTAL-287] - NullPointerException using 
PortletConfig.getResourceBundle in init
  |     * [JBPORTAL-288] - Timezone can't be saved / resets itself
  |     * [JBPORTAL-291] - Page navigation in a forum is broken
  |     * [JBPORTAL-292] - Bug in RenderResponseImpl
  |     * [JBPORTAL-294] - Forum Edit (after POST) as admin results in 
  |     * [JBPORTAL-333] - UserPortlet login and -out does not work with 
Multiple Portal Instances
  |     * [JBPORTAL-335] - ForumsPortlet post deletion failure
  |     * [JBPORTAL-343] - can't post posts/topics longer than few lines....
  |     * [JBPORTAL-344] - bug in instant reply preview
  |     * [JBPORTAL-346] - HibernateStore passing uri_string to uri_id column
  |     * [JBPORTAL-351] - View topic after posting instead of category
  |     * [JBPORTAL-352] - Navigation problem - View Last Post link doesn't use 
pagination properly
  |     * [JBPORTAL-355] - there is no abbility to change topics subject
  |     * [JBPORTAL-359] - error when pressing "Preview" in Edit Post window
  |     * [JBPORTAL-361] - in Admin Panel Edit Category doesn't work
  |     * [JBPORTAL-364] - Double "/" before context when logging out
  |     * [JBPORTAL-374] - edit of first topic post don't allow to change it's 
  |     * [JBPORTAL-378] - BBCode list ending element does not send the end 
  |     * [JBPORTAL-382] - user module findUsersFilteredByUsername does not work
  |     * [JBPORTAL-383] - role module findRoleMembers does not work
  |     * [JBPORTAL-406] - Portal core class 
  |     * [JBPORTAL-409] - HTML Generated by DivDecorationRenderer is not valid
  |     * [JBPORTAL-410] - GenerateURLTag secure attribute behave incorrectly
  |     * [JBPORTAL-433] - Hibernate dialect not detected for schema creation 
and uses generic dialect
  |     * [JBPORTAL-434] - Portal war file instrumentation does not work with 
  |     * [JBPORTAL-437] - JBoss Portal 2.0.1 RC2 does not deploy in JBoss AS 
  |     * [JBPORTAL-439] - Fix the portlet caching that does not follow the 
portlet spec semantics
  |     * [JBPORTAL-454] - User logout does not invalidate the portlet sessions
  |     * [JBPORTAL-545] - Hypersonic DB setup file is Windows specific
  | ** Task
  |     * [JBPORTAL-220] - Polls
  |     * [JBPORTAL-224] - Forum user's preferences
  |     * [JBPORTAL-360] - org.jboss.portlet.test.forums is very poor in tests 
and need to be exceeded
  |     * [JBPORTAL-377] - Store the SimpleDateFormat in the portlet session 
and configure it with the preferences and the user locale
  |     * [JBPORTAL-384] - Spanish language for core resource bundle
  |     * [JBPORTAL-394] - try to do schemaUpdate instead of drop/create when 
db schema changes.
  |     * [JBPORTAL-395] - docs portal 2.0 referenceGuide update - add 
migration chapter
  |     * [JBPORTAL-402] - menu css fonts corrections, links placement, layouts
  |     * [JBPORTAL-403] - Remove "your message has been succesfully entered" 
after forum posts

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