anonymous wrote : Also be aware that since the transaction is "outside" jBPM, 
state is not saved until jBPM returns which is either at completion of the 
entire process or it goes into a wait state. ie: jBPM does NOT persist state as 
it moves within itself, unless you make it thru custom code ;-). 

But at any given time my database is always empty. (Even process is fininshed 
or its in wait state) Am I missing something?
anonymous wrote : Keep in mind that you will need to begin and commit a 
transaction to persist the process instance to the database.
If I start my process, at a given node I am not able to begin or commit 
transaction as in my action handler execution context I dont see current 
jbpmsession. (??) and If I get it from JbpmSessionFactory it throws obbvious 
error of  org.hibernate.HibernateException: Illegal attempt to associate a 
collection with two open sessions
So I am really not able to figure out how should I proceed. 
Any leads in this regard??
Thanks a lot in advance!

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