I actually don't have a test case but we have deployed the application on 
Production and then found the problem.
Currently I am running this scenario in test system 
1. I am clicking on a hypelrink to view some details 
2. These details are fetched through a method in EJB (Local)
3. User changes and presses save
4. Update functionality in same EJB is called(local)

When I view from  Jmx-console of Jboss , i find CreateCount of this ejb has 
increased by 2. Is this the no of instances in container or its just the call 
stats? I am assuming it to be no of instance.
Now this EJB's local home is also cached 
Map cache = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap());

public EJBLocalHome getLocalHome(String jndiHomeName)
                        if (cache.containsKey(jndiHomeName)) {
                                home = (EJBLocalHome) cache.get(jndiHomeName);
                        } else {
                                home = (EJBLocalHome) ic.lookup(jndiHomeName);
                                cache.put(jndiHomeName, home);

But surprisingly everytime it creates new instance 

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