In general i find the project switching mechanism and related setting of all 
jde-options to the
values of the new project file or - if there is no project file - resetting the values 
to the ones set in
.emacs or - if there are no new values set - to the JDE default values. Really tricky 
and nice.

But there are situations, where this is very annoying. I´m writing an extension to JDE 
which can
open always the java-file where the current thing at point is defined.
For the opening function of this new feature i have written a new jde-option:

(defcustom jde-open-class-at-point-find-file-function 'find-file-other-window
  "Define the function for opening the class at point. See
`jde-open-class-at-point'`. Default is `find-file-other-window'. A function
defined here must have the same signature as `find-file' means the first
argument is the filename and the second optional argument is a
  :group 'jde-project
  :type '(function :tag "Function to open class at point"))

This is useful because maybe a user want to define the behavior how the java-file is 
opened (
in another window or the same window for example).

But also some other Tools like JCB (java class browser) want to change the value
of this new option for the time they are active, because they need an own special 
function used with the new openeing feature because the tool uses a special window 
layout for

Now comes the problem: How should such a tool set an own value for
'jde-open-class-at-point-find-file-function (see above) with setq if after each 
buffer-switch to another
jde-buffer the default or customized value is reset????? IMHO 'custom-set-variables 
from within
elisp-code should not be used to change temporaly the value of an option!

IMHO JDE should offer an mechanism to exclude certain options from the automatic reset 
after each
buffer switch, maybe with an new option 'jde-no-project-related-options where we can 
define all jde-options
which should be excluded.

IMHO such options like the one i have defined new (see above) are never project 
related, regardless of the project
a user will always use the same value!!!!

Setting 'jde-project-context-switching-enabled-p to nil is IMHO not an alternative 
because this disables the whole
mechanism for every jde-option, and like said at beginning, in genral this feature is 
nice, but not always and not
for EVERY option!

What do you mean?


Klaus Berndl                    mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
sd&m AG       
software design & management    
Thomas-Dehler-Str. 27, 81737 München, Germany
Tel +49 89 63812-392, Fax -220

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