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Paul Kinnucan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

R> At 09:44 AM 3/19/2001 -0500, Stephane wrote:
> >Hello all,
> >
> >i don't find this way very clean (but perhaps my poor english understanding 
> >helped :) ).
> >
> >I think we shall better consider the use of ant (jakarta.apache.org) , this 
> >software greatly enhances project management and automates many tasks for 
> >programmers such as compilation.
> >
> >I used to have a big projet (~15000 classes) that was compiled through a 
> >hierarchy of makefiles. When we used the ant, i took us 10 minutes to write a 
> >project file that compiled all thoses classes in a shot !
> My problem with make is that it is not equipped to do dependency checking
> for Java. I had hoped that ant would provide an alternative to make but my
> understanding from others who have looked at ant is that it does NOT solve
> the problem of dependency checking either. 

Dependency checking in javac and jikes is done with the whole fileset.  Just
recompile everytime and the software should optimize.

> In any event, my proposal can be combined with make or ant. All I am
> suggesting is that instead of trying to compile every class in your
> project, ant or make could compile only one: a compile master that
> references every class in your project. The Java compiler would then make
> sure that all files that needed to be compiled would be compiled. I think
> this approach, which I did not originate, is brilliant.

yuk... -1.

Why should I litter my directory with "compile masters".  Just give javac/jikes
all the files in your project and let them compile away.

I do have to admit that I do not use javac anymore.  Maybe in the 1.3 series it
is REALLY slow and I don't know about it.  If this is true then use jikes.  It
rules! :)

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