>I can imagine a situation where you don't create a 
>package based directory structure for your files but it 
>should be possible to map the name found in the class 
>file to the source files somehow in whatever configuration 
>the source files are in. As long as you have the build 
>structure in a directory. If you don't then this 
>depend rebuild==full rebuild.
>I think I can prove that if necessary.

Spoke to soon - and without adequate thought:

Define a class a.Test and store it in file: b/Test.java
Define a class b.Test and store it in file: a/Test.java

compile this and you get:

a/Test.java -> destination/b/Test.class
b/Test.java -> destination/a/Test.class

naturally any system analysing the files will presume that b.Test
relates to b/Test.java.



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