At 10:41 PM 3/23/2001 +0100, Rick Janda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I upgrade von jde2.2.5 to 2.2.7beta3. Now jde do not find my java
>I will get the message:
>Searching for program: No such file or directory, java
>in minibuffer, if I try to use run-app or start-debugger.
>jde-run-java-vm is still 'java' and my PATH points right, too.
>"Compile App" works fine, althought I don't use full path in jde-compiler,
>I use XEmacs 21.1.10 on Debian/GNU 2.2
>Sorry, I can't programing lisp and find this little bug.
>Can anybody help and fix it for the next beta?

Nobody else has reported this problem and I don't have it on my system. So
I doubt it is a bug. The JDE launches javac and java differently. It uses a
subordinate shell to launch javac. It launches java directly as a
subprocess of Emacs. It is possible that the JDK bin directory is in the
shell command path but not in the Emacs command path. To test this, type
M-x which java. If Emacs cannot find java, neither will the JDE.

- Paul

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