I think I see your point about settings from projects carrying across
project boundaries at buffer switches, but that's what the change to
jde-load-project-file is intended to guard against - it always does a
`jde-set-variables-init-value' and then applies project settings on top of
that.  Does this fix that problem, or am I misunderstanding the issue?


-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Kinnucan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2001 1:51 PM
To: Nick Sieger
Subject: Re: PROPOSAL: Only save customized vars in project file

At 01:13 PM 3/29/01 -0600, you wrote:
>My typical usage of the JDE is to have a custom-set-variables block in
>my .emacs that sets a bunch of defaults for the JDE, and then only
>override a couple of the jde variables in each of my projects
>(typically jde-global-classpath and a few others).  I always wondered
>why it was necessary to save *every* jde variable in the project file.
>For example, I can't see a use case for wanting to vary the
>keybindings from project to project.

This issue comes up every few months on the list. There is a reason why all
variables are saved but the reason  is not obvious. In fact, I originally
implemented the project files along the lines of your patch only to run
into the problem, which causes settings to migrate from project to project
as you switch between buffers belonging to different projects. The only way
around it I could think of at the time was to save all variables. I don't
fully understand your patch but it does not appear to deal with the problem.

I recently figured out a way to get around the problem. I posted an
explanation of how I intend to do this. See the list archive if you're

- Paul

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